Chapter 21

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When he got up early in the morning, Lin Yinquan started to clean up the room, took the quilt to the balcony to dry it, made himself a cup of coffee and put his feet up in the cold to prepare to go to the next door to wake someone up.

"Xiaoyu, wake up." Lin Yinquan, who came to the bed, bent down and shouted to the sweetly sleeping young man.

Han Qiyu heard what he said and vaguely replied to him: "I know, get up right away." After saying that, he pulled the quilt and covered his face and shrank inside.

Lin Yinquan looked at his movements and smiled and patted him twice, "Hurry up, don't stay in bed, let's go to the hospital for an examination and come back to sleep."

Young Master Han pushed away the quilt and stretched out his arms with a groan. Lin Yinquan stretched out his arm and motioned for him to pull him up. Lin Yinquan grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Seeing that he was still not quite awake, he touched his head twice.

"I'll buy you some eggs and cakes when I go out later. I won't drink milk today."

Hearing this, Han Qiyu looked up and sobered up: "Really?"

"When have I ever lied to you? I'll go out first." " Okay, remember not to lie down again."

"Yeah, I understand."

Han Qiyu just sat there without moving for about ten minutes before getting up from the bed.

He glanced at his phone.

At around 7:50, Zi Zui got out of bed and went out on crutches. When he went out, he saw Lin Yinquan drinking coffee in the living room and said: "Brother Lin, you finally had a rest all morning, and you don't want to sleep in or take a nap." "Bed?"

Lin Yinquan turned to look at him, "No, hurry up and wash up. My appointment at the hospital is at 9:30. We still have more than an hour. If we wait any longer, we won't be able to eat egg-filled pancakes. "

Damn it!

Young Master Han glared at him from behind and walked to the bathroom on crutches.

After going downstairs, they walked out of the stall at the entrance of the community. Lin Yinquan stepped forward and bought him a luxurious version of egg-filled pancakes, and walked to the car on the roadside.

Lin Yinquan opened the passenger door, put the wheelchair in the trunk, and said to the people who had not come up yet: "Don't be stunned, come up."

Young Master Han said aggrievedly: "Please pull me."

Lin Yinquan said Quan stretched out his hand for him to grab. After he sat up, he stretched out his hand and leaned over to fasten his seat belt.

After Young Master Han sat in the car, he tried hard to hide his unseen appearance.

Is this the magic car Wuling Hongguang that is often talked about on the Internet? !

He looked around and found that the interior of the car was basically a seat, but it was very clean. There was a tassel pendant that said "Bon voyage" was hung on the front of the car.

Lin Yinquan started the car and drove out, driving skillfully on the road.

After getting on the road, he chuckled, "Isn't it strange that I drive a Wuling van at my age?"

Han Qiyu tilted his head and looked at him and said, "Yes, a bit, but the car is just a tool, as long as it's easy to use, I'm just curious about you, Brother Lin . What was it like when you bought the car? "

"It feels like it attracts a lot of people and occasionally sells goods. The key is that it's not expensive." Lin Yinquan smiled and turned the steering wheel. "This is what I earned when I just graduated from college. I bought it with half a year's money. Even though it's cheap, I have a lot of affection for it."

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