Chapter 25: Favor

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Young Master Han looked at him arrogantly and said, "If you don't say good things a second time, forget it if you didn't hear it clearly."

Forget it?

How can this be forgotten!

Lin Yinquan quickly lay down and stretched out his arms to use as a pillow for his little ancestor. He hugged him tightly and said in his ear: "I heard you clearly. I just want to hear you say it again. Xiaoyu, do you want a belly rub?" Muscle?"

He grabbed his wrist and stretched it into his clothes, his voice was hoarse and low, "Is my future partner satisfied with the feel?"

"It's just so so" and he climbed up the pole. He said, "I want to touch my chest muscles."


The deep, doting and magnetic voice made Han Qiyu feel the Su Lisu energy even if he just said one word.

She looked up at him and said, "You can get extra points by singing in my ear with the voice you just mentioned."

"How many points can you get?"

"Add 0.5 points."

"Is the full score ten?"

"Sorry, full score. It's a hundred points."

Lin Yinquan smiled and said, "Does sixty pass? If I pass, will I be able to take office and become your first love?"

"It's just a pass. Passing just means that our relationship is okay. You You should develop towards excellence. Brother Lin, you have to believe in yourself. I think you can do it."

"How much is excellence?"

Han Qiyu replied with an innocent smile, "Ninety-nine points."

"It's a bit difficult. How many points can you add to your chest muscles?" Lin Yinquan held down the hand holding the big breast through his clothes.

Han Qiyu looked at him in disbelief, "Isn't this an obligation that my boyfriend should give me? As my quasi-boyfriend, how can you add points to this? If it were to add points, it would be an insult to our pure relationship. "

You must have participated in the debate competition in college."

"I participated in it once in middle school and barely won the championship." Lin Yinquan felt aggrieved


in the face of this unfair treaty.

"Don't change the topic again. Brother, hurry up and sing. I'm already sleepy." As he said this, Han Qiyu blinked and his eyes suddenly became watery, making his long and curled eyelashes wet.

He put his other hand on Lin Yinquan's waist and raised his legs to press on him. He found a comfortable position and hugged his human-shaped pillow and closed his eyes.

Lin Yinquan was not used to carrying things on his hands when sleeping. He would take off his watch every day when he got home, but today he had a rare string of beads on his right wrist.

He reached out and picked up Han Qiyu's mobile phone, turned on the screen and took a look at the time.

It's half past one.

It's very late.

He patted Han Qiyu's back gently and hummed in his ear in a low voice.

The low and sexy voice was very pleasing to the ears. Along with his singing, the sleepy Young Master Han soon fell asleep.

After Lin Yinquan heard his gentle snoring, he stopped singing and kissed him on the face for his own benefit.

She hugged him and closed her eyes and fell asleep within a few minutes.

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