Chapter 36: Make people angry and then coax them

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Lin Yinquan reached out and rubbed his head. In his heart, Han Qiyu was the best. When he thought about his baby's family, his heart felt like it was being beaten. He held his big hands tightly, unable to breathe, unable to breathe.

He will take good care of him.

Even though Lin Yinquan knew that Han Qiyu was not as pitiful as he thought, he even had a little temper and was lazy and coquettish.

But in his heart, he felt wronged. Lin Yinquan looked at Han Qiyu as if he had added ten layers of filters.

Although Han Qiyu couldn't understand it, he climbed up the pole and said, "Then you have to treat me well."

"Well, it's only good for the baby."

Lin Yinquan pecked the corner of his mouth and promised him seriously. .

The preference he had never experienced before, he wanted to give it to Han Qiyu. It seemed that he had found a partner. In fact, Lin Yinquan seemed to have raised a child, the kind who raised him seriously and carefully.


Han Qiyu looked at his serious expression and immediately looked at him aggrievedly, "I want to touch my big breasts."

He is very good at doing something for himself!

Lin Yinquan: "???"

The topic changed a bit quickly, and he didn't catch up for a while.

"What are you touching?"

"Big cock!"

Han Qiyu focused his attention on his strong chest muscles, not hiding the heat in his eyes.

He just loves big dogs!

Lin Yinquan pushed the man to the bed and stretched out his hand to scratch his itchy flesh, "Big boobs and abs. Every day, I have either big boobs or abs. I still say that I am not a pervert. If I touch you, you will say that I am a pervert. You can touch it." Let's not talk about it..."

There was back and forth, Han Qiyu blocked and hit back, unable to hold off Lin Yin, Quanquan reacted quickly, and when his armpit was scratched, he curled up, laughed and begged for mercy.

"Brother Lin, please let me go. You just said you wanted to pamper me. Now you're bullying me. Stop scratching me. It's so itchy!"

Lin Yinquan smiled and pushed the person under him, looking down on him. He said, "A favor is a favor, and I didn't say I won't bully you." After saying that, he took a big sip on his face and made a mark.

Sure enough, the flesh on his face bounced, and his eyes turned red when he looked at the other person.

Although Lin Yinquan wanted to take another breath, he still sat up, pulled him up, and began to apologize: "I was wrong, I shouldn't have tickled you, baby, don't be angry."

Han Qiyu jumped on him, and the retaliator After tickling his armpits, the other person also laughed and fell on the bed, straddling him and biting his neck, feeling that he still hadn't breathed out.

He directly lifted up his clothes and bit the bulging flesh. After biting, he started to stretch out his other hand.

Woohoo, it feels really good.

Young Master Han put away his teeth in a hopeless manner, changed his target and grabbed a piece of meat without any instruction.

Sure enough... there is no need to learn the true nature of a man.

"Hmm... hum..." A low groan escaped from Lin Yinquan's throat.

With such a gloomy look on his face, he stretched out his hand and put it on his head. His voice became a little hoarse, "Baby, stop sucking, or you should take a few bites."

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