Part 2

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Yn - Mommmmmmm

Ym - yehhh, why are you shouting?

Yn - I just want you to know that I'm home 😁

Ym - shut up, go and get fresh

Yn was going towards her room but suddenly she heard some noise from her brother's room, she peeked through the door and saw her brother watching ph and smiling like an idiot.

Yn - opppaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Jungkook get shocked at her sudden out burst

Jungkook - wth Yn!!

Yn - why are you smiling like an idiot?

Jungkook - did you just call me idiot ?

Yn - when ?

Jungkook - don't try to be innocent

Yn - I'm innocent 😌 btw why were you smiling did you find any sister in law for me??

Jungkook - Don't you think you are going too far

Yn - no I don't think so

Jungkook - hey miss adopted

Yn - what did you just called me ?

Jungkook - adopted, coz my mom dad  adopted you 😂

Yn - shuttt upppppp

Jungkook - why should I ?

Yn - wait I'll call mom and tell her that you are beating me

Jungkook - 😯

Yn - Mommmmmmmmmmm(she ran downstairs)

Yn come to her parents room and.

Yn - mom, your dear son in beating me 🥺

Ym - what

Jungkook - No mom she's lying

Yn - Yehhhhh,

Yn - you know mom he again called me adopted

Ym - shutttt uppppp...go to your room, if I hear any sound... then

Yn and Jungkook they both went to their room silently


At Taehyung's house

Tm - Taehyung....

Taehyung - Not again mom, how many time I have to tell you I'm not interested in Liya

Tm - but why?? You don't even have any relationship...

Taehyung - but that doesn't mean I have to marry Liya

Tm - Taehyung I'm telling you for the last time find a girl for yourself otherwise marry Liya

Taehyung - Mom, is it a game to find a girlfriend!!

Tm - I know it's not easy, that's why I'm asking you about Liya, Taehyung she is a nice girl educated, beautiful,
Look Taehyung we are shifting Daegu after 2 weeks, and I want you to be settled. I don't want you to be all alone here.

Taehyung - But mom I'm not child I can take care of myself

Tm - ok, then do whatever you want,...
Mrs. Kim went towards her room

Taehyung - did I messed up!! He got frustrated and went room

To be continued...

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