Part 3

939 25 4

At yn's house
Next morning

Everyone is having breakfast

Jk - Mom, be ready at 7pm, I'll pick you up

Yn - Where are you guys going?that too without me

Jk - that's none of your business

Yd - ahh, Kook...don't irritate her

Ym - Yn you forgot today...Jimin's engagement party

Yn - ohhh, yess...opps I didn't even choose any dress

Jk - no need because you aren't coming

Yn - heheeeehee, I'll come with Dad...not with a rabbit like you

Yd - sorry Ynaa, but I'm not coming

Ym - yes and me too

Jk - why mom ?

Ym - I'm going to your grandma, she's ill

Yd - hmm, kook take Yn with and don't do any madness...I'm telling you both

Jk - Okay...


At college

Kiya - hey what are you thinking Yn?

Yn - Today I'm going to a party but what should I wear !

Kiya - Shorts and tshirt

Yn - what !!

Kiya - yess😂 you'll look gorgeous and everyone will look at you only 😍🤣

Yn - 😶

Kiya - ok let's go it's biology class

Yn - Too much interested aren't you !!

Kiya - everyone


Yn was walking through the corridor as she doesn't have any class for today now she is going home

Yn - where is my phone!!!ufff

She was finding her phone inside her bag but suddenly she got bumped into someone

Yn - ahhhh, what the f...

She is about to use the next word but after looking towards the person infront of her she stopped

Mr. Kim - what you were about to say ?

Yn - huh!! Nothing

Mr. Kim started taking slow steps towards her...

Mr. Kim - Miss Jeon Yn...see you soon at today's party

Taehyung left from there while smirking

Yn - dumbfounded!!!🙄


7:30pm at yn's house

Jk - Ynnnnnnnnnnn

Ym - hey why are you shouting??

Jk - ask your dear daughter, she's getting ready from last 2 hour, still not ready!!

Ym - wait let me... She's here

Yn - mom how I'm looking?

Ym - as always beautiful my love

Jk - Like a zombie, now let's gooo

Yn - did I ask you?

Jk - stay here, I'm going byeee

Yn - oppaaaaaaaa

Yn and Jungkook are in the car as jk is driving

Yn - Oppa!!Your friends also coming in the party (she asked remembering Taehyung's word)

Jk - Of course, after all it's our Jimin's engagement, why ?

Yn - Nothing (that means that cold Kim is also coming)

Jk - what are you thinking?

Yn - nothing

They arrived at party and Jungkook and yn went to meet with everyone

Jk - hey Jimin bro finally

Jimin - Yes, finally

Yn - congratulations Jimin oppaaaaa

Jimin - Hey Yn, you are looking beautiful and hot

Yn - ohh thanks for the compliment

They meet everyone at the party

Yn - oppa, I'm coming after meet one of my friend

Jungkook - okay but don't go anywhere hmm!!

Yn - hm

Yn was going to meet her friend in the another side of the part hall...

Yn pov - I was going to meet Shanaya she is my good friend, mine and her father is business partner. But suddenly someone bump with me

Yn - aahhhhh

Taehyung - sorry sorry...oh miss Yn

Yn - Mr Kim !

Taehyung - yes I'm...are you shocked!!

Yn - .......

Yn pov - who's this man!!! Is this my proffesor Mr Kim! Hayyyee why soo handsome!!

Today he'll kill every girl by his look...but wait wait, what I'm even thinking, I'm thinking about this cold Kim!!! Nohhh way....

Taehyung - Ynnnn!

Yn - yess

Taehyung - where are you ?

Yn - In jimin oppa's party...

Taehyung - I mean what are you thinking?

Yn - nothing

Taehyung - where is your dear brother?

Yn -  he's there(she pointed towards jk)

Taehyung - okay...


To be continued...

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