Part 12

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At the college

Kiya - why she is not present yet, if she comes again let then today Mr Kim will throw her out of college.

Kiya - let me call her

While sitting in the classroom Kiya is thinking about yn...what if she comes let today

On the call

Kiya - where are you?

Yn - in my room

Kiya - why? Won't you come college today?

Yn tell her everything in short

Kiya - ok , take care bye


Mr Kim Taehyung entered the class and settled his notebook register book and all

Then he started taking present of students and yn is absent

Taehyung pov - why she's absent today?  For me !! No no,,,I just scolded her, nothing more, that she'll skip her classes...maybe she's again let today

Taehyung thought that you would come after sometime and he started teaching but the full period didn't come

After class Taehyung came to his cabin...

Taehyung in mind - she's that much hurt by my words that she didn't come to college today!!..

Now she's going too much I thought that I'll say sorry to her but Noh, never...


In Yn's Father's office

Jungkook - what !

Yd - yes, she fell down from stairs

Jungkook - is she ok now !

Yd - yes

Jungkook - let's go dad we have a meeting with Mr Kim, and he's already waiting for us.


After the meeting now Mr Kim and Mr Jeon they both are talking randomly sitting in Mr jeon's cabin

Mr Jeon - How's Taehyung and Mr Kim?

Mr Kim - they are fine as always, but what about our Yn!! I heard that she did a good result

Mr Jeon - yes she did, but unfortunately today she hurt her leg

Mr Kim - how ?

Then Mr Jeon told him everything


At night in Taehyung's house

Tm - Taehyung come dinner is ready

Taehyung and Mr Kim they both come and sit

Tm - what happen Taehyung? Why you are looking so quiet today

Taehyung - nothing mom

Td - looking like Taehyung is hiding something from us

Taehyung - nothing like it dad

Td - hmm now eat

They started eating suddenly Mr Kim said something

Td - Today I met with Mr Jeon and he said that Our Yn get hurt

Taehyung - whatttt!!! How!!! Where???? (Loudly)

Mr and Mrs Kim got shocked by his sudden behaviour

Tm - what happen to her ?

Td - actually she fell from stairs and get crack in her feet,,,,

Taehyung in mind - that's why she didn't come college today
Oh God how fool I was thinking that she bunk college for me


After dinner Taehyung went to his room took his phone and dial Yn's number

The phone rang and yn recive it


On the other hand

Yn is sitting in her bed feeling bored as she's sitting the whole day,,,,just now she ate her dinner

Yn - I can't even go to the dining room for dinner...

Suddenly her phone started to ring

unknowingly a smile appears in her face after seeing the number

Which is known but still unknown to her

On the call

Taehyung - helloo!! Yn

Yn - yes

Taehyung remain silent

Yn also remain silent

Both are thinking what to talk and an awkward silence

Yn - Mr Kim, you have something to say!

Taehyung - Noh, I don't have anything to say

Yn - ohh

Taehyung - just oh!! Don't you want to know why I called you?

Yn - hmm say

Taehyung - are you ok now ?

Yn - what will happen to me,, I'm completely fine

Taehyung - lying infront of your proffesor, I know you got hurt in your feet

Yn - how do you know ?

Taehyung - I have my own ways

Yn - then ask your way how I'm right now

Taehyung - I have something to tell you

Yn - what

Taehyung - are you upset for yesterday's behaviour of mine

Yn - Noo..

Taehyung - really!!

Yn - Mr Kim you are my professor, if you scold me then I should bear it...and I also had my fault, for that you scolded me
infact I should say sorry to you as I leave your class,...

Taehyung in mind - ohh God I messed up itt

Yn - I think you have nothing more to say,,,good night Mr Kim ... And I'm ok now...bye

She cut the call.....

To be continued...

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