Part 8

777 24 9

Yn - finallyyyyyyyyy

Kiya - Yeeeeeeeeh

Yn - Finally the boring exam is over

Kiya - now !

Yn - now what! Just chill and chill

Kiya - hey what about our hangout?

Yn - hm

Kiya - why don't you come to my house today, we'll have fun together

Yn - Okay, I'll ask mom then inform you

Kiya - okk bye


Yn - mom please let me go please

Ym - but

Yn - promise mom I'll be a good girl there

Ym - ok but come home fast don't be let

Yn - thank you mom, love you, you are the best

Jungkook - that's your all time dialogue..."you are the best" (he mimicry yn)

Yn - shut up you rabbit, otherwise I'll throw you to the zoo

Jungkook - hattt adopted

Yn - I never saw a bakwas(nonsense)boy like you

Jungkook - but I already saw😌and it's you more bakwas girl infact most bakwas girl in the world

Yn - gadhaaaaa(donkey)

She stomped her feet and left

Ym - one day I'll throw you both out of my house,......


Yn and Kiya they both are sitting in kiya's bed silently

Yn - now what?

Kiya - I'm getting really bored

Yn - me too

Kiya - hey I have a plan

Yn - what

Kiya - prank call

Yn - what !!!! No no, bad idea

Kiya - shut up, let's call someone it'll be fun

Yn - but

Kiya - shut up you'll call someone and act like he's your bf

Yn - what !ok ok but you first

Kiya - ok , whom?

Yn - hmmm, what about my oppa !

Kiya - nooo

Yn - what no ! He didn't have your number in his phone, then it'll be funnn

Kiya - okkk


Kiya call Jungkook from her phone and

On the call

Jk - hello

Kiya - hiii

Jk - yes

Kiya - hii

Yn - 🤦🏼(silently)

Kiya - umm, jung...kook!!

Jk - yes, who are you?

Kiya - you didn't remember me?

Jk - are you a formula!! That I'll remember you !

Kiya - 😑

Yn - 🤣(silently) continue continue

Kiya - jungkook don't be so rude babe

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