Part 11

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After leaving from class Yn left college and came home

Yn is ringing the doorbell again and again from last 10 min but no one is opening the door

After some second Yn's mom open the door

Yn - How many time I have to ring the doorbell!!! (Angryly)..
Is there no one who can open the door for me

She said loudly

Ym - Ynn, what happened why are you shouting

Yn - Mom I'm ringing the bell from last 10-15 min...where were you

Ym - cool cool

Yn - irritating

Ym - Yn I think something happens in your college, but that doesn't mean you can shout over anyone

Yn - yes only everyone can shout at ME, but I can't shout.... wow

Ym - Yn behave yourself (her mom said sternly)

Yn went to her room...


At college break time

Taehyung is going towards his cabin then he notices Kiya and other students are talking standing in the corridor

Taehyung in mind - where is yn?

Taehyung goes towards them and

Them - good afternoon sir

Mr Kim - hmm, kiya where is your dear friend

Kiya - sir when I come out from your class I didn't saw her, I think she left

Taehyung just nodded and left

Taehyung pov - did I said something extra! Actually I was really angry over her she didn't talk to me yesterday not even show the result

I think I messed up everything, ufff why it's bothering me

But I decided that I'll only behave with her as my student then why it's feeling so complicated

Today I made her cry. I should say sorry to her...
Yes it was just a mistake that she forgot to silent her phone


In the evening

Yn is laying in the bed studying a book

Then her mom come to her room and sit beside her

Ym - yn what happen ?

Yn - what

Ym - then why you came so early today from college?

Yn - actually mom my stomach was aching that's why

Ym - are you ok now ?

Yn - hm

Ym - ok, study well

she give a little kiss on her cheek and left

Yn continue her study then she notice it's started to raining outside and she loves rain

Yn come to her balcony and just look at the sky...

Unknowingly a tear drop fell from her eyes

Yn pov - am I that much bad ! That Mr Kim scold me today infront of everyone,

I was really hurt...

Never in my life any of my teacher scold me this much... But what was my fault?

His mood was off from the beginning and he shout at me...

But why I'm feeling still sad, it's not for the first time Mr Kim scold me,

But this time he scold me without any reason, I'm also a human...

Yn came to her room and slept


Taehyung in his room

Taehyung pov - today I really did a mistake, should I call her and say sorry

But I'm her professor, and if I scolded her then why should I say sorry...

But she doesn't have any fault that I said her all those..

Then Taehyung dial her number and call her but Yn didn't receive it as she's already sleeping

Taehyung - huh!! Didn't even receive my call.... How dare she!! Just let her come college tommoro..


Next day

Yn got ready for her college

Ym - yn come eat breakfast

Yn - coming mom

Yn is coming from the stairs hurriedly then her right leg twist and she fell down from last 3 steps

Yn - ahhhh maaaa

Ym and yd hear sound and they come to her hurriedly..

Ym - oh my god

Yd - yn...

They make her standup but she can't even stand properly as her right leg got hurt .....

Yn - dad it's hurting

Yd - where princess??

She pointed her right feet...

They make her sit on sofa and ym apply some pain relief spray on her feet

Yn - maa it's paining

Yd - let me call doctor, I think it's serious

He called the doctor and the doctor came
Doctor - it's not that much serious just a little will be fine in few days, but don't give any type of pressure in this feet... either the pain will increase

The doctor gone and

Ym - now relief form somedays clumsyness

Yn - mom

Ym - what mom ! Why were you coming hurriedly from stairs, how many time I have to tell you be careful

Yd - now don't scold her,,,,Yn take some rest ok dear, and don't try to be standup

Ym - call me if you need anything

Yn - hm

Yn in mind - my 2nd day of college also spoiled


To be continued...

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