Part 25

769 21 7

After 20 minutes of driving they arrived home

Taehyung came out of the car and opened the door for Yn but yn is still sitting

Taehyung - come out

Yn got out of the car and rushed towards the main door

Taehyung - careful Yn (he shouts)

In the bedroom

Taehyung - I'm hungry...what you want to eat? I'm going to order

Yn - I don't want to eat...(She said in low voice)

Yn pov - uff my stomach is it's my periods date, thank God nothing happens in college...

Taehyung - what happened...are you feeling sick!

Yn - no, just headache (she lied)

Saying this she go to washroom and

Yn - ahhh I knew it

Meanwhile Taehyung

Taehyung - what happened to her, she's looking stressed...few hour ago she was fine...

Then he ordered food for both of them


Yn come out of washroom holding her stomach as she's having pain

And again laid on the bed, Taehyung is not here so no one is going to ask anything

A few minutes later Taehyung came to the room

Taehyung - Yn come food is here...

Taehyung said while entering the room, but when he notice Yn is laying on bed and covered with devut...

He goes to her

Taehyung - Yn ! Are you sleeping?

Yn - no

Taehyung - then come

He tired to remove her devut

Yn - uf Taehyung please don't irritate me, I already told you na I don't have appetite (shouting)

Taehyung - why are you shouting? (dumbfounded)

Yn - because I want to, now please don't disturb me (cracked voice)

Taehyung thought that yn is seriously upset for something so she needs sometime and he was about to left the room

But then he hears her sobbing...

Taehyung again go near the bed and realise that yn is crying

He sat beside her and yn is laying back facing him

He put his hand on her head

Taehyung - Yn (softly) what happened?

Hearing his most softest voice Yn turn and put her head on his lap as he's is sitting...

Taehyung - Yn...if you don't tell me then how can I know ! Why are you crying...tell me (he said slowly)

Yn who is still sobbing said

Yn - my stomach is hurting...

Taehyung - what did you ate at college?

Yn - I....ahhhhhhh mom

Taehyung - Ynn yn are you ok!! What happened

Yn immediately get up from the bed and went to washroom...

Taehyung - now what happened to her

After few minutes when yn come out

Yn sat on the bed and about to lay down but Taehyung hold her hand

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