Part 13

718 32 4

Next day morning

Taehyung is getting ready in his room for college...then Mrs Kim comes and

Tm - Taehyung you are going to college na !!

Taehyung - yes, why ?

Tm - can you drop me at yn's house?

Taehyung - are you going there ?

Tm - yes, I'm going to ee Yn and meet with Mrs Jeon

Taehyung - you didn't tell me

Tm - now I'm telling you nah !!

Taehyung - but mom I have college

Tm - uf,, just drop me then go to your college

Taehyung - hmm,, ok let's go


Taehyung is driving and his mother is busy on her phone

Taehyung p o v - I am going this much close to Yn's house but still I can't see her...I can't meet with her !!

But why I want to meet her ! Why I'm willing to meet her,,,,maybe she gets hurt that's why


They reach Yn's house

Mrs Kim went inside and Mrs Jeon also take Taehyung with her inside forcefully

Ym - Sit

Tm - we'll sit later first I want to meet yn ,,, how's she ?

Ym - sure,,,,come with me

Three of them went towards Yn's room

Three of them went towards Yn's room

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Yn's room

Yn is sitting on the bed and using her phone

Yn pov - I was just scrolling my phone, then mom enter my room

Ym - Yn look who's come to meet you

Yn looked at the door

Yn - Aunty

Ym - yes, Taehyung is also there... Taehyung come inside,,why are you standing outside

Taehyung comes inside and Yn's eye met with his...who's sitting on the bed

Taehyung in mind - finally,,,after 2 days

Yn in mind - am I going to get a heart' attack!! Why it's beating so fast

Yn avoid the eye contact and

Yn - come aunty sit

Tm - how are you now ?

Yn - I'm ok,,,but they aren't allowing me to standup

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