Part 24

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Yn - bad luck..., but he can give me permission,,, he's not going that doesn't mean I'll also not go


After that Yn didn't talk to Taehyung and Taehyung also didn't talk with her...

Next day morning

In the room

Yn is drying her hair and Taehyung is in the washroom...still they both didn't talk with each other from morning

Suddenly Taehyung's phone started to ring

Yn ignored it...

After few seconds again phone ring

Now yn took the phone from the night stand and

Yn pov - LiYa!!! Why she's calling at this early morning...oh how can I forget she's his girlfriend afterall...

I thought I'll recieve the call, but I don't want to ruin my mood more, it's already off because of Taehyung from  yesterday...

Yn put the phone on its place and again start to doing her work

Then Taehyung comemout from Washroom while folding his shirt sleeve

Taehyung - Who was calling ?

Yn remain silent

Taehyung - I'm asking you something, who was calling? (little loud tone)

Yn pov - now you are also shouting on me, because of her!!!

Yn - how do I know!!! It's your phone and your gir...(She stops her words)

Yn left form the room

Taehyung - what she was going to say !!

He took his phone and check the caller ID

Taehyung - Wtfuckk!!!! This girlll again' ... Wait! did yn saw it ! Maybe that's why she gets angry...

Taehyung get ready and then come downstairs

His eyes are just finding Yn

Then he notice that yn is arranging sofa pillows...he went to her and also started to arrange the tv cabinet and drawer ...

Yn pov - what he wants to do exactly!!
I never saw him doing house chores...

She arranged the sofa and went to the kitchen but Taehyung is still arranging drawers...

just showing off as like he's arranging but he's full attention is on Yn...when yn went to the kitchen

Taehyung pov - did I make her angry!! Why she's not talking with me...

Taehyung went to the kitchen

Taehyung - Yn!! What do you make for breakfast

Yn come infront of him and put a plate on the table, which has two sandwich

Yn again went inside kitchen

Taehyung in mind - IGNORE!!!

Taehyung - aren't you going college today !!

Yn - hmm

Saying just "Hm" yn left to their room

Taehyung - she again ignored me!! For the first time in life a girl is ignoring me...(He thought while eating)

Taehyung left for college

In room

Yn - why he wants to talk with me!! When I don't want to...

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