Part 18

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Next day...

Yn - mom...where is my notebook

Yn said while finding her notebook in the drawer

Ym - how should I know !

Yn - mom please help me to find it it's very important

Ym also started to find after 5-6 minutes finally she got her notebook

Yn - thank you mom...Byeee

Ym - Y-ynn

Yn already she has Mr Kim's class early today

At college....

Today kiya is absent so yn is sitting alone...and getting bored...then someone comes and sit beside her...

Rayan - excuse me madam

Yn - I have a name, call me by it

Rayan - Ok Yn...umm may I....

Before he can complete his sentence.... Mr Kim enter the class

Yn in mind - thank you soo much Mr Kim for coming in right time

Mr Kim started teaching and he also noticed that today you are sitting alone and Rayan is sitting beside you and continuously talking....

Mr Kim - Miss Yn come and sit here

He pointed towards the 2nd bench where only a girl is sitting...

Mr Kim - come, why are you sitting alone there ....

Yn just come and sit where Mr Kim said

After the class.........

Yn is in the library... doing assignment for next class

Then Hari came

Hari - Rayan is finding you

Yn - please don't tell him I'm here

Hari - he loves you !

Yn - leave it


For today yn don't have any class, she was walking on the corridor and Mr Kim is also coming from the opposite side...

Yn in mind- Why didn't I noticed today he's wearing blue... HANDSOME

Omoo, why God didn't give me a handsome bf like him,.why he's my professor, why he didn't study in my class...poor me

Mr Kim just pass by her...and Yn turn around towards him

Yn - , Mr Kim (she shouts)

Taehyung also turn around to her


Taehyung look towards his shirt and then at Yn

And give his famous boxy smile

Yn in mind - he can smile also !!

She turned and left....


At night

Yn is having her dinner then jungkook come

Jungkook - Hey what's up

Yn looks at him and again start eating

Jungkook - How rude

Yn - atleast let me eat peacefully

Jungkook - Eat just few days here...

Yn - what

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