Part 6

833 25 4

Yn - May I come in sir?

Mr Kim - Yes

Yn entered the cabin and she was facing the floor

Mr Kim - did you come here to talk with the floor Or the floor called you here !

Yn just shook her head as no

Taehyung - so Miss yn why didn't you complete your assignment?

Yn - sir actually I was absent yesterday and I thought you already took the assignment so...

Mr Kim - and why were you absent yesterday!... for the party incident?

Yn remains silent as she knows there's no point of lying

Taehyung gets up from his chair and starts taking slow steps towards Yn

Yn also started taking back steps until the wall hit her back...

Now there are only a few inches gap between them

Yn pov - wth, what does he exactly want to do?

Taehyung - Miss Jeon what did you say that day in the party!!

Yn - what !! (Nervously) S,,,sir I didn't remember anything

Taehyung - ohh is it !! Then let me remind you

Taehyung - that day you said that you have a huge crush on me(smirk while coming closer) and...

Yn - whattt!!!!(Shocked) You are lying, I didn't tell all this

Taehyung - that means you remember everything but still lying to me !!

Yn - (with full confidence) look Mr Kim that day I was drunk and whatever I said was ...

Taehyung - was!!!

Yn - I don't know anything, I just want to tell that I'm really sorry, it won't happen again ....

Taehyung move a little and yn get a chance and run from there

Taehyung - silly girl (smile)

Yn pov - wth! Why he was so close to me..what if I got heart attack! But why my heart beating so fast...


After 3 days

Jungkook - yesssss finally I did it

Ym - what happened why are you soo happy?

Jungkook - mom, the contract for which I was curious form last 4 got final

Ym - congratulations my proud of you

Yn - what happened! Why you both are shouting in the evening?

Ym - you oppa got a new project

Yn - ohh, then he should give us treat

Jungkook - Yes I'll give treat but not to you

Yn - Why!! I'm your little sister na (puppy eyes)

Jungkook - melodrama

Yn - oppa you get the project so take me for shopping pleasuuu...

Jungkook - N..

Yd - Yes your oppa will take you...

Jungkook - dad!!!

Yd - what dad! She's your little sister, and it's your duty to fullfill her wishes

Jungkook - wish my foot...

Jungkook just pulled her ponytail and went towards his room

Yn - I leave you just because you will take me shopping tommoro (she shouts form back)


Next day at shopping mall

Jungkook - are you done or not?

Yn - just a minute

Jungkook got a call

Jungkook - stay here I'm coming in few minutes, please don't go anywhere

Yn - hm hm

Jungkook left from there as there was too much noise

Yn is looking some random frocks suddenly someone bumped into her

Yn - ahh, can't you see !

And it's none other than Mr Taehyung

Yn - Again you !!!

Taehyung - youuh !! Wait wait are you intentionally bumping on me ! (Raising eyebrow)

Yn - huh...why should I !! I would rather bump into a lamppost than you.

Taehyung - what ! You are comparing me with a lamppost

Yn - no no, how can I ... Insult a lamppost!!

Taehyung - Miss yn don't forget that I'm your professor

Yn - you are my professor at University not here

Yn - btw are you following me! That day you follow me to the party today here 🤨

Taehyung - shut up, don't i have any other work that I'll follow you !! A girl like youhh...noo neverrrr

Yn - then what are you doing here ! In the women section? And what do you mean about a girl like youh ?!

Taehyung - btw I came here with someone

Yn - with whom?

Taehyung - yes, there she's (he pointed towards someone)

Yn - liya

Taehyung - yes

Then liya came towards them and

Liya - hey Yn

Yn remains silent as she's feeling disgusted by her...

Yn - Bye...

She was about to left them Jungkook came

Jungkook - hey hyung and liya also

Taehyung - hey bro, congratulations for your success (they hug eachother)

Yn - oppa I'm done, can we go now !

Jungkook - okay let's go


In the car

Jungkook - they both look good together nah !

Yn - who ?

Jungkook - Taehyung hyung and liya, they are going to be couple soon

Yn - ohh


Yn is studying as tomorrow she have to submit assignment

Yn pov - why I'm thinking about Mr Kim again and again, uff what happened to me...

Why it's bothering me that they have a relationship

Yn - But why Mr Kim choose a girl like liya !! He can get a better girl than her.

Yn - now I'll not think about him anymore, it's my promise to Myself


To be continued...

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