Part 9

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Yn in mind - I want to meet you (thinking about Taehyung's words)

Yn - I know he'll definitely scold me, Now what should I do....
Yes Kiya let me call her

Yn called her but she didn't receive it

Yn - looking like this bitch is already slept

Yn is continuously thinking what will happen tommorow and slept


Next day morning

Yn - mom I'm going

Ym - where?

Yn - umm, Kiya's house then we'll go for her shopping

Ym - ok, take care

Yn let out a sigh as this is the first time she lied to go about somewhere


Yn is waiting for Taehyung at the cafe form last 15min but still he didn't arrive

Yn - is Mr Kim trying to do prank on me !
What if he didn't come, is he fooling around?

Yn was thinking all this nonsense then Taehyung arrives and sit opposite to Yn

Both remain silent for sometime

Yn - why do you call me here ?

Taehyung - I have something to ask you

Yn - what

Taehyung was about to say then a waiter come for order

They just order two coffee

Taehyung - Hm, I want to ask you...why did you called me that day ??

Yn in mind - I knew it, no no Yn confidence confidence

Yn - actually Mr Kim i-it was just a prank call

Taehyung - oh is it !! Do you know that my mom is thinking you as my gf

Yn - whattttt!!!

Taehyung - so madam may I know,, exactly what you said that day !! (Sarcastically)

Yn remains silent as she was thinking how to tell him everything

Taehyung - Ynnn (sternly)I'm asking you something

Yn - sorry

Taehyung - stop your drama and tell me the truth

Yn - S--swee

Taehyung - Sweety!!

Yn - no

Taehyung - then!!

Yn - sweetheart (facing her lap)

Taehyung - what the hell!!!!! Yn don't forget I'm your teacher

Yn - I already said sorry for that

Taehyung - Miss Jeon you have gone too far

Yn - please don't tell all this to my parents

Taehyung - okay but you have to do what I'll say

Yn - ok I'll, promise

Taehyung - hm, let's go I'll drop you at home

Yn - no I can go by myself

Taehyung - you just promise me

Yn didn't say anything and just follow him...

On the other hand
Few minutes ago

Tm - isn't it's Taehyung's car ! But why Taehyung will come here now

Actually Taehyung's mom came here with one of her friends and she noticed his car and when she entered the cafe she saw Taehyung and Yn they both were talking with each other.

Tm in mind - Is Taehyung dating Yn !
It can be possible, wait wait the call that day...was that yn !!

And she started doubting them and left from there with her friend by giving excuses


Taehyung is driving and yn is sitting quietly

Taehyung in mind - what happened to Miss yn today why she's so silent
Is she ignoring me!?
Should I ask her ?

Taehyung - why are you so silent! Feeling guilt after calling your professor sweetheart!!(Smirking)

Yn - when you can understand everything then why are you asking again (little angry)

Taehyung - calm down sweetheart don't be so rude (teasing tone)

Yn - stop the car

Taehyung - why sweetheart?

Yn - I said stop the car right here

Taehyung stop the car and they both get off from the car

Yn - I can go by myself and one more thing stop calling me sweetheart.
Yes I did a mistake but that doesn't mean you can do anything

Taehyung take a step closer to her

Taehyung - yes I can

Yn started walking and Taehyung also started walking behind her

Taehyung - I called you here so it's my responsibility to drop you at home

Yn - Mr Kim don't come behind me, what if someone see us

Taehyung - I don't care

Yn - but I do, leave me alone

They both are arguing without knowing that someone is watching them from far

And that someone is Yn's father and brother

Jungkook pov
(A few minutes ago)

Today we have an important meeting with one company, so me and my dad are going and when our car was stuck in traffic then

Yd - Jungkook!

Jk - yes dad

Yd - Isn't it's our yn !

Jk saw the way his father signalling
and yes it's yn

Jk - yes what she's doing here

Then they notice someone behind her and they both are standing on the road side pavement and talking

Jk - Taehyung hyung !!


To be continued...

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