Part 5

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Yn is reading a book sitting on her balcony and she completely forgets about last night while reading.

Suddenly her phone started to ring

She looked at the caller ID and it's her oppa...

On the call--

Jk - Hello!!

Yn remains silent for some second

Jk - can you hear me !!

Yn - Yes oppa

Jk - then why aren't you talking..are you ok ?

Yn - hm

Jk - seems like last night's hangover is not over yet

Yn - sorry oppa...(Sad voice)

Jk - shup up, stupid girl...I didn't know that my sister is this much stupid...

Yn - Oppaaaaa

Jk - what oppa !! That girl gave you a stupid challenge and you accept it !!

Yn - she always di...

Jk - now stop giving useless reasons and listen, mom dad don't know anything about the incident so don't do anything wrong okay!!

Yn - okay, thank you are the best.

Jk - drama queen, now bye...I don't want to waste my time on you...

He cut the call...

*Jungkook is just 5 years older than Yn, they both always quarrel with each other(just sibling things)but when it comes to bonding they both are best...for Yn her oppa is her saviour and best oppa in the world and Jungkook also loves her little sister alot, his first priority is Yn.


On call

Kiya - hey where are you ?

Yn - in my room

Kiya - bitch, why didn't you come college today ?

Yn - I'm a little bit weak

Kiya - what happened?

Yn - nothing, I'll talk to you later bye

She cut the call...


Taehyung pov -

I have so much work to do, looks like tommoro also I have to take leave from college like today.

Taehyung is doing some paper work of University so he took a leave for today.

Taehyung in mind - You know you are looking like someone, my professor Mr cold Kim, number one bad guy... always scold me for no reason, cold Jerk

A smile appears in Taehyung's face

Tm - hmm, looking like someone is thinking something deeply!!

Taehyung - mom

Tm - Yes, now tell me about whom you are thinking so deeply?

Taehyung - How do you I'm thinking about someone!

Tm - that means you are thinking about someone not about some thing.

Taehyung - ahhmmm, it's not like that mom

Tm - tell me who's this someone!!and what she did that you are smiling (teasing tone)

Taehyung - no one mom...leave itt, I'm hungry give me some food

Taehyung somehow manage his mom


Next day at college

Mr Kim - Everyone first submit your assignment then I'll start the lecture

Kiya - Yn where is yours ?

Yn - hey I was absent yesterday

Kiya - ohho yn... Mr. Kim is asking for the day before yesterday's assignment, remember the day you told me about party.

Yn - what!!! But what about yesterday

Kiya - yesterday Mr Kim was absent so...

Yn - now what! I didn't even complete the previous assignment 😑

Kiya - now only God can save you

One by one everyone submit their assignments except yn and one more student.

Mr Kim - those who didn't submit assignment standup.

Yn and a boy stood up, yn is facing the floor and continuously praying to God ...

Mr Kim - Vicky (the boy) may know why you didn't submit your assignment?

Vicky - sir actually my Father is admitted in hospital so I was busy

Mr Kim - okay sit-down

Mr Kim - I don't want to waste more time here, I have to start the new chapter

Yn pov - Hain!! What did he means ? I'll stand here till the class ends !

Yn is standing and Mr. Kim is teaching,

Yn in mind - wth!! It's been 40min my leg is paining, mummaaa
Cold Jerk...

The bell ring indicating the class is over..

Mr Kim - that's for today, Miss Yn meet me at my cabin...

Yn - now what will happen?

Kiya - Nothing

Yn - what if he scold me again

Kiya - then you have to accept it, why didn't you came college yesterday

Yn told her everything in short about the party incident

Kiya - omo, you did all this !! 🤣

Yn - hm, that's why I'm more scared


Yn - God please save me for this time,
        May I come in sir ?

To be continued...

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