Part 19

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After 3 days...

At evening

Yn is sitting on the kitchen table and her mother is cooking something...

Ym - you want to learn some cooking

Yn - no, why

Ym - then you can cook tasty foods and feed my son in law

Yn just rolled her eyes

Yn - mom what I know about cooking is enough and if he doesn't get satisfied with it,

Ym - Yn what are you saying, he's your soon to be husband

Yn - Hm, but he's my teacher then he should know better than me about everything na....

Ym - Yn, after marriage you both will be both have to share everything...and once you both started to love each other than everything will be perfect

Yn just chuckled and left...

At night

Yn is sitting on her balcony thinking about her life after somedays everything will change, a new life with a new person....yes she knows Mr Kim from a long time he's going to be her husband...

She's thinking all this then Jungkook came to her

Jungkook - oiii

Yn - hm

Jungkook - take this

Jungkook give her a icecream

Yn - what happened to you, you're giving me icecream by yourself...!!

Jungkook - Hmm so

Yn - After someday I'll left, that's why?

Jungkook - correct, just few days

Yn - hm, then you'll stay here all alone, no one will take your things, your icecream, Banana milk...

Jungkook - But...I'm gonna miss you so adopted

Tear started to flowing from her eyes

Yn - why you'll miss me, isn't I'm adopted?

Jungkook - Comon yr,,,just don't quarrel now...let's enjoy the icecream

Yn - listen if you think that...I'm going forever and never annoy you then you are completed wrong

Jungkook - yes yes how can a witch like you leave us that easily....

Yn - what did you said....

Yn try to hit him but he already started running and yn also runs behind him...

Jungkook - mommmmmmmm

Yn - waittttt oppaaaaa

They are running but suddenly yn stops in her way when she notice that her mother is taking with someone...

And it's none other than Taehyung

Jungkook - hey should I call you hyung or not ! As your soon to be my sister's husband

Ym - come Taehyung sit

Taehyung - no aunty actually mom called Yn tommoro at our place...for shopping, I was passing from here so I thought to tell you this.

Ym - oh she'll come tomorrow

Taehyung looked at Yn and she also

Yn - I'll come tomorrow...

Taehyung - ok aunty I'm going...bye

Ym - ok, Yn go with him till his car...

Yn and Taehyung they left the house...

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