Part 14

680 33 9

After somedays

At college

Yn - uf finally

Kiya - is your feet ok now ?

Yn - yes..a little bit of pain but at least I can walk now

Kiya - then let's go to class

From today yn joined college as her feet are perfectly ok now...

Yn - today the first class is Mrs kang's na ?

Kiya - hm

Then Mrs Kang came to take the class

Mrs Kang - students...the day after tomorrow we arranged a freshers welcome ceremony at college for first semester students...

Mrs Kang - so you all will come and welcome them with lots of love

Everyone - yeeeeehhhhh

After the class...

Now Yn and kiya they both are sitting in the library

Kiya - today every class got cancelled

Yn - yes everyone is busy with freshers welcome arrangements

They both were doing chitchat then someone came

Vicky - kiya!! Yn!! You guys are here let's go everyone is looking for you both

Kiya - why !

Vicky - what why !! Everyone is working there and you both chilling!! Let's go...

Three of them went

They arrived the hall where the ceremony will held...

Every student of 3rd year are working

Kiya - what I have to do

Vicky - come with me

Kiya went with him and yn is standing while checking here and there

Shreya(one of Yn's classmates) - Yn let's go, we have something to do

They both go towards the stage and start to do some work

The hall is filled with joy and laughing,,,as all the students are working together and moreover they are enjoying each other's company

Then Mr Kim come to the hall as he's the head of this ceremony

Mr Kim - is everything going well

Everyone - yess sir

Then he notice Yn who is laughing like a maniac

He came towards her and yn stops her laugh

Mr Kim - have you gone mad ?

Yn - no no

Mr Kim - then do your work properly
(He said coldly and left)

Yn in mind - I'm sure he has two face... yesterday he was being so nice...

Yn - cold Jerk

Shreya - who ??

Yn - huh !! Nothing


Next day evening at Taehyung's house
(The day before freshers welcome)

Tm - Taehyung where are you ?

Taehyung - what happen mom ?

Tm - Taehyung I have a very important talk with you

Taehyung - mom your important talk means my marriage

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