Part 16

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In the morning

Yn is reading a book then her father enters her room

Yd - Yn

Yn - Dad,, come...sit

Yd sir beside yn

Yd - what are you doing?

Yn - just reading this book,,what happened dad!

Yd - what !

Yn - no you come to my room at this time thats why

Yd - ohh, why can't I just come to my daughter's room ?

Yn - ofcourse you can

Yd - actually today is our off day so let's have breakfast together, then we have to go

Yn - today oppa also took leave ?

Yd - hmm, now let's go, your mom is waiting for us

Yn - but dad you were talking about somewhere

Yd - hmm I'm telling you, first let's go

They both come to the dining room

Ym - Yn sit

Yn sit beside jungkook, who is enjoying an apple

Yd - yn today we are going to Mr Kim's house for lunch

Yn - why ??

Ym - because they invite us

Yn - when!

Jungkook - so many questions...don't come if you don't want...

Yn - no, I was just asking


Yd - where is yn ?

Ym - she's coming

Jungkook - coming!! Mom still she wants 1-2 hour

Ym - shut up

Yn - mom I'm mom how I'm looking?

Yd - just like my princess Yn - thank you dad (she hugged her dad)

Yd - just like my princess Yn - thank you dad (she hugged her dad)

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Yn's outfit

They left the house

At Taehyung's house

T/gm - Mr Jeon only have a son right

Td - no mom he has a daughter...

Tm - and she reads in Taehyung's college

T/gm - ohh

They were talking randomly then the door bell ring

Mrs Kim went to open the door

Mr Kim - welcome my friend

Mr Kim and Mr Jeon hug each other,,,Mr Kim also hugs Jungkook

Mrs Kim - How are you guys

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