Who Are We to Fight The Alchemy?

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(These are one shots! Bear with me because this is my first story. A number of these will be smutty. Not this chapter, though)


It's been a few weeks into my sophomore year of high school. I've met a friend, Abigail, and we've been best friends since freshman year.

She just started dating someone from the football team. He's actually pretty nice for a jock. I met him at a party, his name is Rodney. He introduced me and Abigail to some of his friends, although I didn't really like them.

One did stand out though– Travis. He's a tough nut to crack, although I think that's just a cover-up of him. Anyway, he's not that very nice to me, but he is pretty cute.

On the way to lunch, I bump into him, and nearly fall before he catches me.

"Watch your step," he warns me, before taking his hands off me and shoving them in his pockets. He gives me a quick glare, waiting for my response. He's kinda impatient.

"Sorry about that. Thank you." I quickly say, loud enough for him to hear me over the bustling hallways. "You're Travis, right?" I ask.

"Yeah." He mutters, before walking off with his "posse," I like to call them. It's just him and his teammates. He's quite rude.

I walk around the hall, going to the spot in the hallway that's usually empty. Me and Abigail sit here for lunch, because why bother with the annoyingly loud cafeteria? We bring our own lunches.

"Hey, Abi." I say while sighing, sitting next to her. She gives me a quick look.

"You good, girl?" She asks me. Did I mention that she can literally read my mind?

"I'm alright. It's just... I bumped into Travis. He's not as nice as advertised by Rodney." I say, grabbing my lunch from my backpack.

"Oh. Well, he plays football and he's literally giant. You expect him to be nice?" She says, and I feel kind of dumb.

"Maybe, yeah." I quietly say in response.

"Wait– woah, woah, woah, T. Are you already crushing on him?" She says, grinning.

"No! It's just– I just want to get to know him." Blush creeps up onto my face, making it look like I'm lying. I don't have a crush on him– yet– but I do really want to get to know him.

"You're blushing." She snickers.

"Shut up, Abi! I'm just embarrassed." I say, sort of wishing I could just escape reality for a second.

"Okay, okay. Sorry, T. But anyway, maybe I could set you guys up? How about you try going to one of the games. They're on a winning streak right now, and it's looking good to enter the championships." She suggests. It's actually a wonderful idea.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay, sure. Next game is Saturday, right? Is it a home game?" I question.

"Mhm. I have a shirt from a while ago, so go ahead and wear it to there. Now hurry, eat your damn food already." She says, and I giggle, opening my lunchbox.

Wearing the shirt Abigail gave me, and a hat I stole from my dad, I buy food from concessions and scurry over to the bleachers. I watch the kickoff, and from my distance, it's a little funny to see how small they are from here. I wish Abigail could be here, but she had some dentist appointment.

"Hey." A voice startles me.

"Oh, hey, Matty. Nice to see you."
I absolutely despise this dude. Thankfully, it's just a short greet, and he goes to whatever fling he's with right now.

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