You Were Never Not Mine [M]

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I stand at the spot I was in before Taylor left to go grab drinks. My eyes stay on her, and since it's a wild party, I watch over her like a hawk.

Eventually, she comes back. I'm not done with mine yet, and I think this is her second one.

"Doing good, baby?" I ask.

"Yep." She smiles, before taking a slow sip. I don't exactly know why she does that.

"Don't drink too much, though, okay?" I tell her, noticing that her eyes are somewhat glazed over.

"Baby, I'll be fine." She reassures me, but I can hear a slight slur in her voice.

"You're starting to slur." I frown, and she gives me a look.

"I'll get one more after this, okay?" She tells me, an assuring smile on her.

"Yeah... okay, fine." I say, before taking a sip of my beer.


About fifteen minutes later, she's finished her third one. She sneaks off to get another one once I look away, and that leaves me dumbfounded. Stress fills me, since she's already drunker than the both of us would prefer.

I search for her. Once I do, though, it's some guy touching her arm to get her attention. I frown once she stops. I don't even know why I told her what NOT to do tonight.

I watch them chat it up. My drink is empty now, so I use it as an excuse to go to the bar and grab her. I can't stand to see my drunk girlfriend flirting with a man who probably wants to take advantage of her.

Heading to the bar, I tap on her shoulder, signalling for her to follow me. She says bye to him, before following me.

I lean on the bar, before speaking.
"Found yourself a new friend?"

"Oh, yeah! His name is... uhh..." she trails off, and I shake my head.

"Never mind. Last drink, okay?" I tell her, and she reluctantly nods.

We order our drinks, then find a table to sit at, since I know her feet are killing her. I plop down after setting my chair closer to hers.

"Enjoy the party?" I ask her, desperate for any sort of talking and affection.

"Oh, yes. Especially with the free drinks," she says, and I get a little confused. She has more money than she can count, so why does free drinks matter? Whatever.

"Okay then. Well, I'm feeling a little tired. Can we go after this?" I ask her, praying that she won't be stubborn.

"Do we have to?" She groans. Great. How do I convince a drunk Taylor to go back home?

"Well... yes. I don't want you getting any more drunk than this." I tell her, and she frowns.

"Fine. But you better make it up to me." She pouts, and I chuckle a bit.

"Okay, baby. I promise." I tell her, although I'm not really planning on fucking her tonight, which I'm pretty sure she's asking me to do.

"Yay!" She grins, looking happy now. Maybe I do have to uphold my promise now. I sigh, smiling.


Another hour passes, and we get in the backseat of the chauffeurs car. Unexpectedly, I feel her kiss my neck.

"What're..." I trail off as she yanks me closer. Her lips smash against mine. Thankfully, we have fifteen minutes until we get home.

I pull her into my lap, suddenly very thankful for the soundproofing and the curtains that prevent the driver from knowing what goes on back here.

She kisses me nice and hard. Blood starts rushing downwards, and I grow harder by the second. She lightly moans as I grip her ass.

Her hand suddenly moves to my hips, stroking my erection in the middle of them. I let out a gasp into the moan, my hips subconsciously thrusting against her.

She separates from the kiss, tugging my pants down enough to where she can get my boxers down.

Once my boxers are down, her soft hands gently stroke my cock as I pull her closer. My fingers slip under her skirt, then her panties, feeling how soaked she is.

I pull her panties off, and she takes the initiative to get on my dick. I moan.

"You're mine. Only mine." I tell her, still salty about her flirting with that guy. She lets out a moan in response, kissing me as she rides me.

With each bounce of her ass on me, my hips thrust into her. Eventually, I stop her from moving, before fucking her mercilessly.

"Oh shit!" She cries out, her lips moving to my neck. She forces a hickey on there.

Without a warning, she cums with my name on her lips. The tightness of her orgasming walls overwhelm me, and I grab her hips, aggressively slamming into her one more time before I fill her up.

Still panting, I sigh as she gets off me. She returns to her seat, not bothering to tug her soaked panties back on. I move my boxers and pants back on. I just stuff them into my pocket.

Soon enough, the car halts, and the driver tells us that we're back at the house. I look over at Taylor, noticing she's asleep.

I sigh and thank the driver. I climb out my side, shutting the door before rushing over to hers. I open the door, picking her up in my arms. I shut her door, then grab my keys and unlock the door.

I take her inside, locking the door before I head upstairs with her. Once we're in the bedroom, I set her down. She's passed out.

I take her clothes and heels off, knowing she'd prefer to sleep without any right now. Then, I grab some wipes, gently taking off her makeup. She shifts a bit, but doesn't wake up.

I undo her hair, so it's loose enough to where it wouldn't give her a headache. Then, I take my own clothes off, putting both of ours up. I turn off the lights, then climb into the bed with her.

I pull her tired body into mine, cuddling her as I slowly drift off into sleep.

"Love you," I absentmindedly murmur.

Shortly enough, I pass out a few seconds later.


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