Oh, Here We Go Again [M]

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[by the way, smutty chapters will be marked with an M]

August 15, 2003

This is the last day before Taylor moves away to Nashville. As much as I'd love her to go and start her career, I really don't want her to leave me. We go in my backyard under the tree for the last time.

"Hey, Tay." I quietly say as she sits next to me under the tree. She looks at me with a weak smile. I know she doesn't want to leave me.

"Hi, Trav. You don't look so happy." She tells me. Of course I'm not happy. She's my best friend, and she's leaving me for a new life in Tennessee. That sounded... selfish.

"I'm just sad, that's all." I softly chuckle, ruffling her hair, like I always do. She giggles.

"You don't have to be sad, okay? We'll see eachother again someday. I swear. We're both getting famous, anyway." She assures me, a smile on her face. She's really confident.

"Yeah." I murmur, getting lost in her eyes.

Only then, after she left, would I discover how much I liked her.


July 26th, 2023

I sit in the steamy, lavender-scented bathtub, just thinking to myself. To be fair, I forgot about him after the years passed. Today, I found out that he talked about me on his podcast. Now I feel like shit. He tried seeing me personally after my Eras Tour show– but I guess I never told my security about him, and they booted him.

Here I am now, just rewatching that TikTok clip of his experience trying to meet me again. After a few more times seeing it, I go ahead and call Tree.

"Hello?" I hear from her end.

"Hey. I need your help with something." I tell her. She's a little strict, but she's a publicist, so I'm hoping this works.

"Sure, Taylor. What is it?" She asks.

"Well, you know Travis? I need help getting to him. Like, getting his number, or something." Now that I say this, it sounds kind of ridiculous. How in the world would she–

"Of course, Taylor. I'll go ahead and find his publicist, and I'll text you when I get it." She responds. I beam with happiness.

"Oh, thank you so much, Tree." I grin, and you can hear it in my voice.

"No problem, T. Love you, and stay safe." She says.

"Love you too. Bye." I smile, and end the call. I feel like a school girl, basically about to start jumping up and down.

Thirty minutes pass, and my phone dings. I see her text, and make his number a contact on my phone. I decide to send him a text.


July 26th, 2023

I'm currently sitting down on the couch, smiling as my dogs play. Then, my phone dings. An unknown contact. I don't think too much about it, but I decide to open it.

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