She's Laughin', Drawing Aces

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(Per request of @/Swiftie133113 ! I guess there's ONE mature mention but it's not enough to earn the tag!)


I wake up to my alarm, legs feeling sore. I had a show yesterday, yet decided to have nice passionate sex knowing I have another today.

I walk over to the bathroom, a gasp escaping my lips. That is one big hickey.

I don't think too much about it, so I go and brush my teeth then wash my face. I proceed to put on clothes then makeup, making sure to cover the hickey.

Once I decide that it's covered enough, I go to make breakfast. However, Travis already beat me to it.

"Hey, baby." He murmurs, softly kissing me. I kiss him back, but don't say anything as I'm vocal rest. Yeah, tell that to me last night.

"Your pussy felt so good yesterday." Travis teases me, causing me to blush hard. I grab a plate, sit at my chair, and eat.

Once I'm finished, I get ready to leave, giving him one last kiss.

"Love you." I break my rest to give him a goodbye.

"Love you too. I'll be there tonight." He smiles, kissing my neck, then letting me go.

I wave, walking out the door.


After the show is over, I go on my phone. Immediately, my feed is full of people somehow seeing the coverup makeup.

"The makeup is covering something pretty big. I hope she's doing well." One of the posts say.

I sink into the couch, feeling embarrassed. I go to my messages and text Tree.

"I may or may not have covered up a big hickey but people figured it out and think it's a bad bruise." I quickly type and send. Tree takes a minute to respond.

"Really? I'll release a statement soon. You drive me crazy." Tree texts back, and I turn off my phone. Travis looks at me after staring out the window.

"Something wrong?" He asks, rubbing my hand.

"You should see the massive hickey you gave me that people somehow found." I say, my face red. He glances at my neck, noticing the makeup.

"Oh, um..." he trails off, face turning red. "Oops." He says, and I giggle.

"It's fine. Tree is releasing a statement. Super embarrassing, though." I tell him, and he sighs in relief.

"Okay. Just know, that's not the best of my abilities." He winks, and I giggle, moving for a kiss.

(love this! yes, it's short...)

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