But Daddy, I Love Him

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(Per request by @/SarahSpencer162 !)


I wake up to Taylor nudging me awake, lightly groaning.

"What's up, baby?" I ask, my eyes opening.

"I'm going to the studio. Just wanted to say bye before I go." She smiles, softly kissing my nose. I smile.

"Love you, babe.

"Love you too."


Since Taylor is in the studio right now, I decide to get her, Jack, and Aaron some coffee and donuts.

After I stop by the place and pick everything up, I make my way to the studio. Once I'm there, I get security checked, before eventually being allowed in.

Taylor's in the recording booth. Since Jack and Aaron are not using headphones or something to listen, it's being played on the speakers.

"...screaming 'but daddy I love him,' I'm having his baby..." I hear over the speakers, and nearly drop all the stuff.

"...no I'm not, but you should see your faces!" I hear again, and lightly chuckle to myself. I see Jack finally notice me, and he waves.

Once they're finished with that bit, the three of them walk over to me.

"Hey baby!" Taylor enthusiastically says, hugging me.

"Hey. Thought I'd stop by to bring some goodies." I tell them, once Taylor lets me go.

"Ooh, what kind of donuts are these?" Jack asks me, and I set the box down.

"Assorted." I tell him, setting the coffees down. Taylor and Aaron pick up theirs, while Jack gets the box open. He reminds me of a kid, it's funny. Hell, maybe I should just say adorkable.

"Thank youuuuuu!" Taylor giggles, grabbing a donut and eating it. Once she swallows, she speaks again. "If you can, you could listen to us making the song. It's called 'But Daddy I Love Him'."

"Of course. I heard some of it when I walked in already." I say, sitting down and grabbing a donut as well.

"Did you like it?" Jack asks, a nerdy smile on him.

"Of course I did." I chuckle, taking a bite of my donut. "You guys are awesome at what you do."

"We can all say the same thing about you, too." Aaron says. I smile at him.

"Thanks, guys." I say.

Eventually, Taylor goes back into the booth. I sit with Aaron and Jack, listening to the track and her vocals. It sounds really magical hearing a sound being created, right in front of you.

I eventually have to leave, making sure to say bye to everybody before heading out.

As I'm driving in the car, I ponder about the lyrics. They're really powerful, and I can't lie, she should've seen my face.

I've never really understood how good she is at words. I'm a pretty wordy guy myself, but Taylor is a different level. Shakespeare level. And, I'm not exaggerating that. Maybe I'll never feel some of the emotions she puts into songs, but holy shit, it takes me to a different planet just examining the lyrics.

My girlfriend is literally a genius.

(random note, but i only write good when i have a headache 😭 it's weird)

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