...or Pull You Into the Closet [M]

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(haven't done a smut chapter in a minute which is strange for me)


Me and Travis got into a little argument before going to this party.

It was... dumb. He said that he doesn't want me talking to other men at the party. I get it, I mean, I wouldn't want him talking to other women here, but gosh, let a woman live a little. So, I made a big deal about it.

The drive here was silent. We haven't really said much. As I'm at the bar, he wonders off to talk to a friend. Someone taps my shoulder.

"Hello." I smile at the man, before it drops.

What the fuck is Matty doing here?

"Long time no see." He smirks, and I frown.

"What do you want?" I cross my arms, and he puts his hands in his pockets.

"I saw that you're here alone." He says. I scoff.

"Don't get the wrong idea. Travis is here." I say.

"So–" he starts, but I cut him off.

"No. It's a no. I have a boyfriend, and I'm not letting you destroy our relationship." I dismiss him.

"You didn't let that stop us when you were with Joe." He says, and I bite down on an insult.

"Me and Joe didn't love each other at that point. Besides, don't you have a girlfriend? Are you using her, too?" I say.

"...I do have a girlfriend, yes." He frowns.

"Then why the fuck are you talking to me?" I furrow my brows, frustrated.

"She's not here. Look, if you don't want me, then why are you talking to me?" He says, and I look over his shoulder. Travis is watching. I feel bad for Matty's girlfriend. I don't know who she is, but I'm finding it out.

"You're right. I shouldn't be talking to you. Bye." I dismiss Matty, getting a seat at the bar. I order a shot of some random thing off the menu, wanting to surprise myself and clear my mind.

Matty actually leaves me alone. Travis pops up behind me.

"What did I tell you?" He murmurs into my ear. God, I'd recognise that tone from a mile away.

"To not talk to other men." I say, feeling his breath on my ear. I feel a quick rush spread in between my thighs.

"Then why did you talk to one?" He says, sitting next to me. Atleast he didn't see that it was Matty.

"Umm... I don't know. I shouldn't've." I say, then take my shot once it's set. It burns so good.

"I guess I have to punish you, hmm?" He whispers, pressing against me, covering our bodies from view behind. His hand creeps up my lilac short skirt, feeling my wetness.

"Travis. Public." I warn him, but he doesn't stop. It's kinda hot.

He shushes me, playing with my clit. I blush, looking around for anywhere to go.

"Come on." I say, taking his hand and leading him to a closet.

The second I lock the door, he kisses me hard. I moan as he shoves me against a wall, slowly grinding against me with his rock hard dick. If I had to take a guess, it's probably throbbing for him.

"You're mine; and only mine." He growls into my ear, slipping my panties off.

I take his belt off and shove his pants down, taking his boxers down enough to where his dick pops out. I guide him inside, forcing a moan back down.

He fucks me nice and mercilessly against the wall, pounding into me. His hands travel under my shirt, palming my breasts. He plays with a tit, making me moan hard.

"You like it when I fuck you hard, huh? You like it when I punish you for being a brat, huh?" He says, sweat dribbling down his forehead as he rails me.

He turns me around, pounding even harder than what I could ever expect. It feels like heaven.

"I– I need to..." I stammer, getting the familiar rush.

"Cum for me, baby." He whispers, and I basically explode on command.

I hold back screaming his name, since we're in public and sort of already too noisy. He comes a few seconds after me, pumping deep inside.

I sigh when he pulls out, then moan as he gives my ass a firm slap.

"Clean this mess up." He orders me, and I immediately drop to my knees. His dick is still really hard, messy on the tip.

I take him into my mouth, moaning as I adjust to the length. Once I'm ready, I take him deep into my throat.

He groans, then groans harder as I play with his balls. I never thought I'd say this, but his are really perfect, and I'd worship them everyday if I had to.

He grabs my hair, aggressively fucking my mouth like it's a fleshlight. I moan, spit dribbling down my chin. I grab his hips, holding tightly onto them.

"Fuck, Taylor!" He says, but not in an obnoxiously loud tone. He comes in my mouth, and I of course swallow it.

I run my tongue along his shaft, licking whatever escaped. He seems done and calm, so I stand up, putting my clothes back on. He does the same.

"Let me fix you up, doll." He murmurs, brushing my hair back into place. I smile at the gesture, feeling warm.

I wipe the sweat off of him, adjusting his clothes to where it doesn't seem like he just fucking railed me like I was a slut.

Once we're fixed and out, we sit at the bar. Matty gives me glances, which I catch onto. He either listened or we were loud. I don't really see anyone else looking at us, so he listened. I couldn't really give any fucks, so I turn back to Travis, listening to him rant about practice.

It's funny how we went from being mad at each other, to having sex in a storage closet. So fucking hot.

(honestly can't believe that i haven't done any smut chapters in a month. also i'm getting back in the habit of writing long chapters! and my eras show is in a MONTH!!!)

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