Did You Ever Have Someone Kiss You In a Crowded Room?

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For a week, my family, Taylor, and I are all going on a family vacation for the off season. Currently, we are in Sydney.

We've been walking around all day, exploring a private park. Taylor just can't get enough of the wildlife and nature.

We keep exploring for a while, and my parents decide that we'll leave in thirty minutes. Taylor groans.

"That's no fun, huh?" I teasingly say to her after she groans.

"You know I love parks. Maybe I'll take you to Centennial Park." She says. Centennial Park... to be honest, I only know it from her song. A few months ago, she did tell me that she used to visit it all the time.

"That's not a bad idea , you know." I say, shrugging. Her attention directs to some really pretty flowers ahead of us.

"Oh, wow. They're beautiful." She murmurs, crouching down in front of them. I kneel, deciding not to pressure my knees.

"They're gorgeous... like you." I say, and I get a smile from her.

"Oh, shut up." She giggles, then kisses me. I hear the shutter sound of her camera from behind, and I blush as I realise that my mom took a picture of us. I break the kiss.

"Mom!" I playfully groan, before standing up. "Let me see." I say, walking up to her.

She shows me the picture, and it gives me butterflies. Or, maybe I magically swallowed one of the butterflies here. And, that damn blue filter... I don't like it, but I don't hate it either. It's very Taylor.

"You two are so adorable together!" My mom says, and I feel Taylor next to me, smiling as she looks at the picture.

"I knew this would be a great picture!" Taylor giggles. She planned it... what a mastermind.

After a while, we finally go home. The family sits in the living room of the rented house, Taylor and I chatting with my family.

After a while, Taylor rests her head on my shoulder as I talk to my family. I can tell that she's not paying attention, as she's quite literally half asleep. She's tracing slow patterns on my hand.

I remember one time that she told me my voice helps her fall asleep. So, I'm definitely not helping her now. She finally gives in to her heavy eyelids.

"Oh, look at her. She's exhausted." My mom says to me in a gentle tone. I carefully look down at Taylor, a small smile forming on my lips. "Do you wanna take her to the bed?" She asks.

"Sure. Taylor, honey..." I murmur into Taylor's ear. All I get is a light groan, some laughs coming from Jason.

I sigh, shrugging to my family before gently picking her up. Her legs somewhat wrap around me, her arms automatically shifting to my neck. I carry her light weight, then carefully bring her up the stairs.

Once we're in the room, I sit her down on the bed, then gently take her clothes off. I find an old shirt of mine, then put her in it. She allows me to move her arms around, but keeps her eyes closed.

I grab makeup remover from her bag, gently wiping it on her face. Once I finish, I move to throw it away. Deciding I haven't gotten enough time to catch up with my family yet, I tuck her in, but hesitate on leaving.

A few minutes pass, and I watch her sleep. Then I hear laughing from downstairs, and decide to go see what they're talking about. I softly kiss her forehead, then go downstairs.

"What's with all the ruckus?" I say, smiling as I sit down on the couch.

"Jason tripped over nothing. I don't know how. It was hilarious!" Kylie beams, and I chuckle.

"Oh, I could only imagine." I grin, then see Jason give me a playful dirty look.

"Don't think I forgot about what you did, guy on the Chiefs." Jason tells me, and I force myself to hide my blush. He is definitely not referring to the one time he heard me and Taylor go ham in the bed. I swear, we were quiet.

"Alright, that's enough. Anyway, what are our plans for tomorrow?" I ask.

"Hmm... we stay in until seven, then go out for dinner at that one place." My dad says. I nod.

"Sounds good." Jason says.


After a while of talking, we decide to head upstairs. I hear Taylor talking to someone on the phone, specifically about the picture.

"You're the best, Tree!" She beams, then I open the door.

"What's up, baby girl?" I murmur, shutting the door behind us. Taylor smiles.

"You know the pictures I took, right? She's letting me post those to my Instagram, along with the picture of us." She giggles. And, I swear, if she didn't have any self control, she would be jumping up and down.

"Oh, that's awesome!" I grin, my heart melting at her happiness. I then move to my bag, grabbing a white shirt to use as pyjamas. All I'm left in is the shirt and my boxers.

"Also, what're we doing tomorrow?" She questions.

"Dinner at seven. Although, I really don't remember the place, I just know that it's fancy." I tell her, trying to remember the restaurant. I sit on the bed, and she curls up next to me on her phone.

"Sounds good to me." She murmurs, and I notice her looking over the pictures.

"My feet are hurting like hell right now because of you. That damn park, huh?" I tease, although my feet don't hurt that much. She giggles.

"I'd be damned if a professional football player was sore over walking for a few hours straight at a little park adventure." She teases back, looking up at me.

"You call that a little adventure? Damn, I'm scared of you. Plus, weren't you just passed out?" I chuckle, and she giggles too. She starts typing something on her phone.

"What should I make the caption?" She ponders, but I don't really know.

"Don't know. You know I'm not an idea person, baby." I say, and she chuckles.

"Whatever. It says, 'Exploring parks (Our Version)' for the caption. Nothing more, nothing less." She says, and my heart melts.

"Our version, huh? I love that." I smile, kissing her forehead.

She posts the picture, and I start a silent bet to myself, wondering how many likes it'll get in just a minute.

My love, all mine.

Requests? (i'm asking nicely, please 😭)

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