Building Up Like Waves [M]

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(I need to recover from that Eras tour show... 😭
Also, guys, I make these at midnight and sometimes fall asleep so don't blame me if there's any errors)


I sigh to myself, watching an interception get thrown, which decreases our chances of a comeback.

When the game is over, I head down to where the car is parked after saying goodbyes to all our friends, and I just wait for him.

Boy, he is not happy.

"Hey." He mutters, obviously pissed as he gets into the car, closing the door.

"Hey, baby. You had a good game today. Don't let the loss get to you, okay?" I must've said something wrong, because he clenches his hands together.

Football isn't just a game to him– it's his life. Of course the loss will get to him, a whole fan base is judging him. I know how it feels.

His hand just moves to my thigh, slowly stroking it as he remains silent. I decide not to push it further.

The chauffer drives us back to the house, and I don't really do much in the car. However, I am in heavy sleep debt, so I lazily rest my head on his shoulder.

He strokes my hair, and I start to notice his breath is a bit heavy. My eyes flutter open, and I look over at him.

"You okay?" I quietly ask him. He's definitely not alright– he's still really pissed.

"Do I look okay to you, Taylor?" He mutters, not bothering to make eye contact. I sigh in defeat, dropping the topic.

The car slowly comes to a halt, and the chauffeur tells us we're here. I thank him, and me and Travis step out the car and go into the house.

I hear Travis cuss at something once my back is to him. I turn around, and his lips suddenly crash against mine.

I stumble back a bit, but my hands wrap around his neck and I hungrily kiss him. He's kissing me like I'm his last meal, and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I grab his collar, my heart racing as he pushes me against the wall, slowly grinding against me. This only gets me more hornier, so I reach for his pants. I slide the zip down, before shoving the pants onto his ankles. He steps out of them.

His lips eventually leave mine.

"I'm very pissed right now, Taylor." He says to me, his large hands forcing my shirt up. I'm left in my red bra. He mutters something I can't pick up, before his hands reach under my bra and play with my nipples. I whimper, and he presses hardly against me.

"You want me to get over the game, huh? You want me to push the loss away?" He says again, shoving my pants and underwear down, before he takes his boxers off as well.

I open my mouth to speak, before he shoves himself into me, my eyes fluttering shut as I try and adjust as quick as possible to his length.

"Take my cock like the petty little princess you are." He says into my ear, his thrusts only getting harder and faster each time he shoves himself into me.

I cry out, feeling him pinch my clit and push my jaw up at the same time. He vigorously kisses my neck, and my body screams at me to let the orgasm happen. I don't want to make him mad or get any more sore than I will be tomorrow, so I try and calm myself.

I make eye contact with him, seeing that he looks a little zoned out. He's super close. I roll my hips forward, taking him deeper.

"I– I need to cum! Please, Travis!" I cry out, my nails digging into his skin.

"Wait... just..." he stutters, shoving himself into me as hard as possible. "Cum for me." He says, and a wave of intense pleasure crashes over me. I feel hot liquid flow into me as my knees weaken.

He grabs me, staying inside me until our waves finally pass. Then, he pulls out, sighing. His lips swiftly move to mine, forcing his tongue in my mouth.

Then, he pulls back, turns me around, and shoves me against the wall to where my back is to him. Without warning, he slams into me.

He holds my neck, mercilessly fucking me. My hands are pressed against the wall hardly, moans slipping out my lips really frequently. The closer he gets, the tighter the grip on my neck. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't hot.

"Fuck, you're such a good girl..." he says to me, and I can instantly tell that he's close. My back starts arching, his hand tight around my neck.

"Please Travis! Let me cum!" I beg.

"Cum for me." He says, and my body jerks to his command. I stumble, and he catches me.

He's still slowly slamming into me, and then he finally finishes. I orgasm more intensely than the last time, my legs feeling weak. He then pulls out of me, giving a soft kiss to the back of my head.

"Sometimes, all you need is just... sex, yeah?" He murmurs into my ear, earning a small chuckle from me.

"Definitely." I softly sigh, as he sets me on the table, grabbing our clothes. He picks me back up, bringing us to our bedroom.

He gently sets me on the bed, and I can tell he's a little worn. He lays next to me, pulling me close to him as we nest under the blankets.

"Baby?" He quietly says, his eyes opening to look into mine.

"Yeah?" I ask, stroking his beard.

"I'm... sorry. For how I acted in the car... it was just disrespectful." He says.

What a gentleman.

"It's perfectly fine, lovey. You were upset, that's all." I assure him.

"I know, but I should've treated you better." He murmurs into my ear, brushing some hair back.

"Your head wasn't in the right place at that minute, okay? You were just frustrated and couldn't handle it. I promise you, next week will be amazing." I tell him, and he just softly looks at me.

"Thank you, baby. You're so nice to me." He smiles, pressing his lips to my forehead. I giggle a bit, moving my body to press more into him.

"Don't thank me." I smile at him, resting my head on his chest.

"Love you." He softly says.

"Love you too," I say back.


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