Oh, Here We Go Again (2) [M]

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A week goes by pretty slowly. All that has been on my mind is Travis. But now, it's finally Monday. I get to meet him for the first time in twenty years.

I've been cleaning my house for the past few hours, getting it spotless, even though I'm sure he wouldn't care if it was a little messy. Actually, now that I think about it, he's going to find me weird for cleaning so much. Actually– I'm just overthinking it.

I feed the cats, then go to my room to put on something comfortable. I do have a University of Cincinnati hoodie, so I put it on. Then, I just put some sweatpants on. Nothing more, nothing less.

I go downstairs, losing track of time as I grab some chips and eat them. The sound of my doorbell alarms me, and I look at the time. He's a few minutes early.

I rush over to the door, unlocking the plethora of locks my security granted me. Eventually, when I do unlock it, I finally see his face. I see him in all his glory. I don't even notice what he's holding, and I get distracted by how tall he became.

"Welcome in." I grin, stepping aside to let him in. I finally notice the flowers. "Oh, you didn't have to." I giggle, grabbing the bouquet. He greets me with a warm hug.

"I felt like it." He murmurs, and I tightly hug him back, standing on my tiptoes to make it more comfortable. He's really, really tall.

"You got really tall, damn." I say against his skin, unable to get enough of the hug. I know he's been missing this.

"You last saw me when I was fourteen, of course I'd get taller." He chuckles, finally letting me go.

"I didn't think you'd get this tall." I giggle again, motioning for him to follow me. I lead him to the couch.

"This is a really nice house you've got." He looks around.

I have a wide array of different flowers and a number of framed photos. There are a few frames missing a picture, but I'd rather not talk about it.

"Thanks. It took a few years to get it to feel perfect." I smile, looking at him as he directs his gaze to me. His eyes still shine as bright as they did before. He finally notices my hoodie.

"Woah, I like your hoodie. I'm hoping you watched some of my college games?" He asks. I watched a few more than I'd like to admit.

"I did! Some of Jason's, too." I respond, suddenly realising how close we're sitting together. My cheeks slightly burn.

"Question. Who's the better player, me or Jason?" He asks me, but I know it's just to tease me. Same old guy.

"That's a dumb question. Actually, there are no dumb questions, right?" I say, and he chuckles. "It's obviously you. Don't tell Jason." I tell him.

"Okay. That's what I like to hear." He playfully nudges my arm.

"So, do you want to watch anything? Maybe eat?" I ask him. Personally, I'm hoping we get to watch something, just incase...

"Hmm, I sort of ate before getting here. We can watch a movie." He tells me.

"Perfect. Anything in mind?" I ask as I reach for the TV remote, and I kind of feel his gaze on me.

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