What If I Told You I'm Back?

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(I promise, I DID NOT FORGET about this!)


As a method of stress relieving, I go over to Benjamin, softly petting his fur.

"You're a big kitty, hmm?" I murmur, lying down and chuckling as he licks my nose. Their tongues feel like sandpaper, but it feels oddly soothing.

I hold my finger out, letting the big cat lick it and play with it. He nibbles on my digit, and I just chuckle.

An idea pops into my head, so I go on my phone, heading over to Amazon. Typing in "cat clothes", I softly chuckle as a result comes back, a hoodie for cats. It's adorable, and I know Taylor would love it.


The next day, I get the packages. Taylor's taking a nap, so I cut open the box and take out the clothes. They're really adorable.

Finding Benjamin, I grab the hoodie and sit down next to him. I carefully slip it on him, even though he isn't so compliant.

I hear Taylor's lazy footsteps head down the stairs, and she softly gasps when she sees Benjamin in the hoodie. I grin.

"Baby, when did you get this?" She laughs, heading over to me and picking Benjamin up.

"It just arrived, actually. I got the itch to buy the cats something, so..." I shrug.

"Don't tell me you bought some for Meredith and Dibbles. Actually, please do." She says, going to grab the box. She giggles, dumping the contents of the box out.


After we dress up the cats, I take a picture of them, then put it in my burner account and send it to my mom.

"You're amazing." I murmur into his ear, feeling super giddy. Who knew dressing up cats could make me so happy?

"I've never seen you so happy before. You're so weird." He says, and I laugh.

"They were so cute! Maybe I'll get clothes for your dogs?" She suggests, and I grin.

"I wouldn't be mad at that." I tell her.

(short one, I know. sorry for the wait too!)

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