Thought I Had Reason to Attack [M]

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(Per request of @/unicornbunny07)


In an act of boredom, I go through my phone. There's nothing much to do. I played with the cats, the dogs, and Travis is asleep. He fell asleep with his phone in his hand, which was really funny.

I gently take his phone from his hand, moving to put it on the charger. Then I get an idea. What's on his phone?

I hum, unlocking his phone. I go through his camera roll. It's mostly random pictures – pictures of me, spicy pictures of either of us, him with his friends, with family, the dogs, cats... et cetera.

Nothing fishy. As if this man would ever try anything. I go through his messages. He's got a lot, mainly just teammates and family. Then it hits me. There's someone I don't recognise.

Who the fuck is Alicia?

I frantically go through their texts. I don't know who she is. I don't recognise anything. They're not flirting. Am I exaggerating? Who the fuck is Alicia?

I guess at some point I started freaking out and caused him to stir.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He groggily asks.

"I need to ask you that. Who the fuck is Alicia? Why the fuck are you texting her?" I say, but don't give him a chance to answer.

"She's my–" He starts.

"No! I don't care! Why the fuck are you texting another woman behind my back? How fucking dare you!" I yell, tears threatening to spill out. I wish I could argue without crying. It's a little embarrassing.

"Taylor! Calm down!" He urges me, but I refuse to listen.

"No! Am I not good enough? Are all those little head hits finally catching up to you?!" I snap. He looks a little hurt, and I want to stop, but I just... can't.

He doesn't speak.

"Now you're just gonna act hurt, huh? Well, I've seen it before! All you people do is lie, and lie, and lie! I'm fucking tired of it!" I yell, tears spilling out my eyes.

He gently takes me into his arms, my body wracking with sobs.

"Baby. I don't want to embarrass you, but that's my cousin." He says, and my breath hitches.

"You're lying." I mumble.

"No. I'm serious. I'm sorry, I should've told you." He says, kissing my head.

I cry harder, feeling more embarrassed than anything. I thought his cousin was some random whore. Holy fuck.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I sob, my tears soaking his shirt and hitting his skin.

"It's okay, it's okay. Baby, it's not your fault." He reassures me, swaying our bodies together.

"Thank fuck you're not from Alabama. Oh god. I'm so sorry, baby." I murmur.

"Good one." He lightly chuckles.

He keeps swaying and holding me until I calm down.

"None of it was your fault, Tay. It's mine. I didn't tell you who she was and I should've. I'm sorry. Don't cry anymore." He says, and I smile.

"Okay. Yeah, okay." I breathe. I'm feeling a lot of different things right now.

I lie on the bed. I'm bored again, and he moves to sleep. He had practice today, so he's probably tired as hell.


An hour passes, and he's sleeping soundly. I stare at him, feeling myself grow wet. But... he's sore. I'd usually wake him up, but I don't want to hurt him.

With a huff, I grab my phone, looking for the explicit photos of him that I kept. I bite my lip, slipping my hand into my pants, spreading my legs apart. My fingers nudge inside myself, and I work them.

After a few minutes, I can't get myself to finish. I'm not good at it. Knowing I'm going to be frustrated, I nudge Travis awake. He stirs.

"What?" He huffs, his eyes closed.

"I'm really horny." I admit, shifting my legs.

"Baby, I'm sore. But..." he trails off, his hand slipping under my shirt. I bite my lip, moaning as he plays with my nipple.

He gets closer, using his free hand to nudge my pants down. My panties are off, and I feel his fingers slip into me.

"God damn," I moan. "Fuck, Travis."

He gently sucks on my neck, and he suddenly pinches my nipple and clit at the same time. Without a warning, I cry out, clenching hard, coming on his fingers.

He smiles, helping me ride it out. He then sticks his fingers in his mouth, licking them clean.

Knowing he's tired, I curl up next to him, loosely hugging him.

"Love you." I murmur.

"Love you too." He whispers.

Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves.

(I don't know anything about his cousins so bear with me 🙏)

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