Change The Prophecy [TW]

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(Mentions of domestic abuse/violence, suicidal thoughts, etc. Please get help if you have or had experienced any of these.)


It's another day of forcing myself to not cry as I wake up next to Joe. I'm not allowed to cry, or even do a lot of things anymore.

My depression is getting worse. I'm starting to believe that killing myself will be the only way out of this torturous hell, but I can't feed him– I can't let him win.

However, he's hungover, and dead to the world right now. Quickly, I put on a hoodie and sweatpants, and quietly exit the house. I know a guy.

Texting my security, I get in my car, and go over to his house. It's not far, but my palms are shaking so badly that it'll probably take a bit longer to get there.

Eventually, I pull into his driveway, and rush over to his door, frantically knocking on it. I can't text or call anyone on my phone because of how Joe restricted it.

The door unlocks.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Travis asks me. I must be shaking, because he pulls me into a tight hug and then inside the house.

"I need your help." I quietly say, feeling as if Joe could somehow hear me. Travis' dogs jump at my legs, and they somewhat calm me down.

"What is it? You can tell me anything." He says, gently stroking my hair. He looks so worried.

"It's Joe. He..." My throat starts to tighten, but I force the words out. "He's an abuser. He got drunk last night, and it just was worse than before." Now that I think about it, I never looked to see what bruises I had received from that piece of shit.

"Taylor..." He softly says, taking my cheeks in his hands as he observes my face. He brushes over a spot on my jaw, and it stings. He notices, and just solemnly looks at me. "How can I help you? I'll do anything."

"Come with me back to my house. I'm gonna break things off and kick him out. I need you to protect me." I say, struggling to keep eye contact with him.

He nods, kissing my forehead. It instantly gives me butterflies.

In my car, we travel back to my house. I carefully unlock the door, walking in.

"I thought I told you not to fucking leave the house without my a horrible." Joe's voice startles me, and I stumble out the way as a sharp slap hits my cheek. "You fucking slut! Lose some goddamn weight and maybe I'd love you!" He says to me, before a punch slams onto my cheek.

I nearly fall, but Travis catches me.

"Who the fuck are you?!" Joe yells, as Travis nudges me to the couch. I sit on the couch, panic finally settling in.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! You piece of horse shit!" Travis yells back. My eyes are filled with tears, but I can barely make out the image of him hitting Joe and then Joe stumbling back.

Travis doesn't let up. He hits Joe until he falls onto the floor. I'm starting to hyperventilate, and deep breaths aren't working for me right now.

I zone out for a while, until I'm tapped on the shoulder.

"Tell him what you wanted to say." Travis asks me. Finally, the anger of letting Joe hit me nearly every day catches up to me.

"We're over! You're getting out of my house, and I'm pressing fucking charges!" I yell, my body hurting. I can't really breathe. My back is stinging from how I was aggressively hit yesterday as I tried to curl into a ball as a failed defence mechanism.

Finally, I pass out.


When I wake up, I register the feeling of someone holding me. My eyes flutter open, and I see Travis looking down at me.

"What happened?" I say, my brain feeling hazy. Finally, I realise he's cuddling me on the couch. I don't know where Joe is, but I feel free.

"I made Joe pack up his stuff. I also called your security, they took care of that shitbag. I'm sure they'll call you soon." Travis tells me. God, he looks angry, but I have to remind myself that he's not mad at me.

"Can you stay with me for a few days? I can't stay alone. I'm scared." I tell him, tears welling in my eyes. He kisses my forehead, running his fingers through my hair.

"Of course. I'll do anything for you. Don't be scared, okay? He's not here to hurt you. I'll protect you." He reassures me, and his kind words make me cry. Oh, how much I longed for something like this.

The only time I could ever feel safe was in my dreams, but I frequently got nightmares. Joe never helped me with them, he only kept me to make me suffer. But Travis... he's amazing. He knows how to make me feel better. Maybe that's just how normal men should act– but I forgot how it felt.

He wipes my tears off, his lips lingering on my forehead as I hold him tightly.

Eventually, we head into my bedroom. Since I'm scared of getting a horrible nightmare, and mainly because I want him here, I let him sleep with me.

He went back to his house quickly, just to grab stuff to last for atleast a week.

So, I climb into the bed in my pyjamas, and he does the same. Everything on his side has the familiar scent of Joe. I shouldn't miss him. I don't, but it just feels weird. I'll get past it, though.

Travis cuddles with me, wrapping me under the blanket comfortably. He's a little softie underneath his tough demeanour.

"Travis?" I quietly say, looking up.

"Mhm?" He mumbles, his eyes opening to look into mine.

"Thank you for all this. I just... don't know what would've happened if I didn't have you." I say a little quickly.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just doing what a regular person should do." He smiles, giving me one kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight." I murmur.

"Goodnight." He says back to me.

Fresh out the slammer, I know who my first call will be to.


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