The Way I Loved You

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(yes this is soon but I need to clear my mind of the last chapter. not leaving this app until I post this so)


I wake up in the morning, Taylor pressed against my chest, quietly sleeping. Her face is soft, highlighted by the warm sunlight seeping through the blinds.

I softly smile, observing her face, obsessed.

There's little freckles on her nose. You can't see it unless you're literally in her face like I am. Her lips are a little chapped from being asleep. I brush some hair out of her face gently, making sure to not wake her up.

She looks perfect in this light (as always), so I grab my phone. I take a picture of the both of us, sticking my tongue out as I snap it. I smile, setting it into my wallpaper rotation of us.

I set the feature to "change on tap" so I shuffle through the photos. I grin. Every photo is either silly or just genuinely heart warming.

I'm too caught up going through the photos to notice her stirring. I linger on videos of us, before feeling her nuzzle into my neck, looking at the phone.

"Morning, sleepyhead." I smile, keeping my phone up so she can watch. It's us at the beach.

"Morning to you. Since you got your phone out, I'm amusing you also got a picture of me?" She grins. I grin back– she knows me so well. Yep, I'm marrying her.

"Of course." I murmur, pulling my photos app up. I show her the picture and she giggles.

"Oh, that's adorable. You, specifically." She smiles, and she swipes on my phone to start a video. I look at her a little confused, but let out a giggle as she peppers my face in kisses.

Once that round of kisses are over, I stop the video, and I open the gallery to look at it. I can't wipe the grin off my face. She's simply too adorable.

"You're such a cutie pie. I love you." I mumble, kissing her. She kisses me back, until she pulls away sometime later.

"I'm hungry. What should we eat?" She says.

"Mm... you know those egg and bacon sandwiches you make? With the English muffin? Yeah, I'm craving that real bad." I say, and smile.


TAYLOR'S POV (simply because I'm not used to writing in his POV)

I head to the kitchen, humming as I crack two eggs open. I put them on the pan in the stove, then take out the bacon and do the same with those. I take the time to check my phone. Nothing much so far.

Once they're ready, I take the eggs out, putting them on the plate. Then I take the bacon, putting it onto the English muffin.

I feel him hug me from behind, and I smile.

"You want cheese?" I ask him, and he nods, kissing my neck. "I can't really move to grab the cheese if you're kissing me."

"Oopsies." He smiles, kissing my neck once more before pulling away. I put the cheese on his, finishing it and then giving him the plate. I put a slice on mine too, and then we sit at the table.

Once we're finished eating, I refill the cats and dogs' bowls, and me and Travis chill on the couch. My back is to his chest, and I scroll on Disney+, before eventually coming to the live action Cruella. I love that movie, god.

We watch the movie. I'm somehow still awake, I'd usually fall asleep with him holding me like this.

I hear him softly snoring, and I giggle, taking my phone to look at him from the screen. I sneak in a photo, sticking my tongue out.

After the movie finishes, I lay with him until he wakes up, halfway asleep when he lightly groans.

"Hey. Baby." He mumbles, resting his nose in my hair as he starts waking up. I open my eyes, looking at him.

"Sleep good?" I ask him, and he nods.

"Only cause of me,"
"Only cause of you." I smile as we say (basically) the same thing at the same time. He laughs. So husband material... and so high school.

"Great minds think alike." He says, kissing my shoulder. I giggle.

"Of course. But I think I have the greater mind here." I tease him, and he grins.

"Mm, yeah, I'm not even gonna argue with that one. You're a little genius." He tickles me, causing me to squeal with laughter. Then I get that sudden inspiration.

"Let me get that for you." He murmurs, grabbing my phone and giving it to me. I smile, silently thanking him.

I write for a few minutes, and he curiously watches me. It's just a jumble of random words, like a mini mood board just to get me started.

"Such a genius. I love your mind." He says, kissing my head once I finish writing.

I honestly feel like he changed my prophecy.

(fluff!!! yay)

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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