13 Management

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(As per request by @/taniya0218 !)


I sigh to myself, getting in a basic, yet formal outfit for my meeting.

Since it's pretty early in the morning, I contemplate waking up Travis to say goodbye. However, knowing him, I decide to anyway.

"Travis, hun." I murmur, gently stirring him awake.

"Hmm?" He mumbles, his droopy eyes still keeping closed. I smile to myself, loving the sight of him.

"I'm leaving for my meeting, baby. Just wanted to say bye before I go." I softly say, gently kissing his forehead. His eyes flutter open.

"Don't go leaving me now, babe." He teases me, and I chuckle.

"Whatever." I giggle again. "I'll be back by ten, I think." I tell him. Hopefully, it's ten.

"Alright, baby. I love you." He says, before softly kissing my lips. Once he pulls away, I softly sigh and speak.

"I love you too, baby. I'm gonna be hungry when I get home, you better remember that." I tell him, putting on a teasing serious look on my face.

"Whatever. Love you babe." He says, then I kiss him again, before grabbing my bag and espresso.

I hum to myself, getting in the car, not wanting to disturb my chauffeur at this hour. The amount I've had to give that man a better pay-check because of everything me and Travis do in the car... I owe him a mansion at this point.

Once I'm at the building, I park in my usual spot in the garage and walk inside. I get greeted by the lady at the desk. I feel bad to say that I forgot her name, but she's a really nice person.

I sigh, plopping down in my office, putting my stuff up. I have about ten minutes before I have to head on into the conference hall.

I take a sip of my espresso, then go on TikTok and like a few videos.

Eventually, I look up and realise I have two minutes. I groan, then get up, grabbing my espresso and bag.


Halfway through the meeting, I start getting bored. I sneak my phone out, placing it on my lap. I'm not in the mood for TikTok, but Travis should be awake by now.

I open my messages, instantly finding him in my pinned contacts.

"Traaaaavisssssss" I text him. A few seconds later, it gets marked as read, then the bubbles pop up.

"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting?" He texts me back.

"Maybe I am right now... maybe I'm not..." I simply reply back, trying to push the smile on my face away.

"Taylor, I really hope you get caught" He teasingly texts me, but I get caught off guard by Tree nudging me. Someone's presenting, so I guess it's important.

I put my phone away, a little amused by Travis sending that text right as I get caught.

Lazily, I trace small random patterns on the back of my hand, as it helps me focus. All the presenter really talks about is upcoming tour plans, but it's actually important, so I listen.

Once he's done, and Tree gets up to talk, I quickly glance at the text Travis sent me ten minutes ago.

"I guess you got caught. 🤣" is the text I receive from him. I sigh, putting my phone back up and listening to Tree.

Eventually, after me and her talk to the management, the meeting ends. I head to my office room, signing into my computer. While that loads I text him.

"I did, but it wasn't bad... Tree just nudged me and told me to focus. You sucker!!" I text him back, giggling to myself.

"I'm pretty sure you're the sucker?" He texts back, and I lightly blush.

"Stop, you're making me blush" I respond, smiling.

"Oops. Anyway, when're you getting home?" He simply asks me, and I sigh, trying to think about when I should leave.

"Thirty minutes, then I'll head out" I respond, kicking my legs up on the stool I bought.


After a few back and forth texts, thirty minutes pass and I walk out, of course, after saying bye to a few people.

I start my car up, setting my purse on the passenger seat.

The ride home goes smoothly, and once I'm there, I'm awakened by Travis holding Benjamin in his arms.

"Oh, cutie pies! I don't know who I should say hi to first." I giggle, and we sandwich Benjamin as I kiss Travis. Benjamin isn't a fan, and tries scurrying out of Travis' arms. He eventually lets him on the floor.

"How was the meeting, baby?" He asks, pressing a soft kiss to my temple before he locks the door.

"Oh, it was okay. Just the usual meeting– boring as fuck." I shrug, and we head to our bedroom.

"Anything big?" He asks.

"We went over a few schedule plans for the tour. Nothing much." I sigh as we enter the bedroom, and gather my house clothes, then put them on. I feel his gaze linger on me as I change.

"Want anything to eat? We still have those leftovers." He says, and I smile. Chicken tenders.

"Oh, of course. I'm just gonna wash my face real quick– can you warm it up for me?" I ask him, and he smiles back.

"Of course, baby. Don't take too long." He tells me, and I giggle.

"Whatever you say." I shrug, heading into the bathroom as he goes back downstairs.

Once I finish washing my face and drying it, I head downstairs, the nice aroma of my favorite chicken tenders filling the air. My stomach growls.

"Foods ready. I also warmed up the fries– I made sure they wouldn't be soggy." He tells me, and I grin as I see the plate prepared.

"Perfect." I sigh, sitting at the table, eating the chicken tenders.

Once I'm done with my meal, I head back upstairs, going to take a nap.

He cuddles with me, helping me to relax and sleep faster.

This man deserves the world.

(working on requests right now! sorry for the wait lol)


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