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Inaya stood in her opulent bridal attire, the weight of her new reality pressing down on her like a suffocating shroud. She was now Mrs. Inaya Roy Kapoor, wife to the man she despised more than anyone—Avyansh  Roy Kapoor.

Avyansh was in their suite, pacing like a caged beast. His rage was palpable, seething just beneath the surface. The room reflected his inner turmoil, expensive decor now marred by his destructive tantrum. He grabbed a vase and hurled it towards the door just as Inaya walked in.

The vase shattered against the doorframe, sending shards of glass flying. Inaya gasped, more out of surprise than fear, as the glass splinters lodged into her bare feet. Blood began to pool on the floor, a stark contrast to the pristine white of her wedding gown.

"Have you lost your mind, Avyansh?" she shouted, her voice trembling with a mixture of pain and fury.

Avyansh turned to face her, his eyes blazing with an uncontrollable fire. "You! You have ruined everything!" he roared, advancing towards her.

Inaya, despite the pain in her feet, stood her ground. "I ruined everything? You’re the one who forced this marriage on me! Do you think I wanted this?"

Avyansh's face twisted with contempt. "I don't care what you wanted, Inaya! This is as much your fault as it is mine!"

Their voices escalated, each word a dagger aimed to wound. "I hate you, Avyansh! I hate you with every fiber of my being!"

He grabbed her arm, his grip like iron. "And you think I don’t feel the same? I’d rather die than spend another minute tied to you!"

The room fell into a tense silence, broken only by the sound of Inaya’s ragged breathing and the occasional drip of blood onto the marble floor.

Inaya stood there, seething, her hatred for him burning brighter than ever. She wanted to scream, to lash out, to make him feel even a fraction of the pain he had caused her.

But instead, she limped to the bathroom, each step a reminder of the shards embedded not just in her feet, but in her very soul.

As she tended to her wounds, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. The fierce, determined woman she once was seemed almost unrecognizable beneath the layers of hurt and anger.

But she made a silent vow to herself: she would find a way to end this nightmare. No matter what it took, she would reclaim her life from the man who had shattered it.

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