08. Anger

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Inaya sat in the quiet of the grand bridal suite, her wedding dress now exchanged for a silk robe

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Inaya sat in the quiet of the grand bridal suite, her wedding dress now exchanged for a silk robe. The night had stretched on with no sign of Avyansh. She had waited, a mix of nerves and frustration gnawing at her. But as the hours ticked by and dawn began to break, her anxiety turned into a steely resolve.

The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the room. Inaya glanced at the untouched bed beside her and shook her head, a sardonic smile playing on her lips.

"He's acting as if I forced him to marry me," she muttered to herself, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, it’s almost a relief he didn't come back."

She stood up and walked over to the large mirror, running a brush through her hair. There was a certain freedom in not having to confront Avyansh and his cold, calculating stares. She had dreaded the idea of facing the man who clearly resented her, even on their wedding night.

As she moved around the suite, tidying up and getting ready for the day, she couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. "If he wants to play the runaway groom, fine by me," she thought. "I have more important things to focus on."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Inaya opened it to find Meher standing there, her eyes wide with curiosity and concern.

"Inaya! What happened? Where's Avyansh?" Meher asked, stepping inside and looking around the room.

Inaya shrugged, a nonchalant expression on her face. "Who knows? He never showed up last night. Probably off sulking somewhere."

Meher's mouth dropped open. "He didn’t come back at all? That’s unbelievable! What are you going to do?"

Inaya let out a short laugh. "What am I going to do? I'm going to live my life, that's what. If he wants to act like a petulant child, that's his problem, not mine."

Meher stared at her friend, then slowly started to grin. "You really are something else, Inaya. Most people would be freaking out right now."

Inaya waved her hand dismissively. "I’m not most people. Besides, why should I waste my energy worrying about someone. Let him play his games. I have a company to run."

Meher nodded, admiration clear in her eyes. "You’re right. You’ve always been stronger than anyone else. But still, if you need anything, I’m here for you."

Inaya smiled, feeling a warmth at her friend’s support. "I know, Meher. Thanks. Now, let's get out of here. I could use a coffee and a fresh start to the day."

She had bigger plans, and no amount of childish behavior from him would stand in her way.



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