03. The past

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Avyansh sat in his luxurious office, the skyline of the city stretching out before him through the floor-to-ceiling windows

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Avyansh sat in his luxurious office, the skyline of the city stretching out before him through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The view was impressive, a testament to how far he and his family had come. Yet, as he stared out, his mind wandered back to darker times, memories that fueled his relentless drive for success and his burning desire for revenge.

He thought back to his childhood, to the days when his father, Abhay Roy Kapoor, was struggling to rebuild their lives from the ashes of betrayal. Raj Mehra, his father’s once trusted partner, had taken everything. The company they had built together, the dreams they had shared—it had all been snatched away with cold, calculated precision.

Avyansh could still see his father’s weary face, etched with lines of stress and worry, as he worked tirelessly to start anew. They had lost their home, their status, and their security. The Kapoors were left with almost nothing, forced to claw their way back up in a world that had turned its back on them.

He remembered the nights he couldn’t sleep, hearing his father’s voice, filled with a mixture of determination and despair, as he talked about Raj Mehra’s betrayal. Avyansh had promised himself, even as a young boy, that he would one day make Raj pay for what he had done.

Years had passed, and his father’s efforts had finally borne fruit. They had rebuilt their empire from the ground up, stronger and more resilient than ever. But the scars of their past struggles remained, a constant reminder of the Mehra’s treachery.

Now, as he reflected on the recent encounter with Raj Mehra and his daughter, Inaya, his resolve hardened. Seeing Raj’s smug, contented smile as he stood with his daughter had ignited a fire within Avyansh. It wasn’t just about business anymore; it was deeply personal.

He had seen the way Raj looked at Inaya, the pride and joy in his eyes. It made Avyansh’s blood boil. Raj Mehra had taken everything from his father, leaving them to suffer. And now, Raj had the audacity to flaunt his happiness, as if he had never done anything wrong.

Avyansh clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms. The image of Raj and Inaya’s smiling faces burned in his mind, fueling his anger. He wanted to wipe those smiles away, to strip Raj of everything he held dear, just as Raj had done to his father.

Destroying Raj Mehra wouldn’t be enough; Avyansh wanted to dismantle his entire world. He wanted to see Raj suffer, to experience the same helplessness and despair his father had endured. And he knew exactly how to do it.

Inaya Mehra was Raj’s greatest treasure, his source of pride and happiness. By targeting her, Avyansh could strike at the very heart of Raj’s life. He would make sure that Raj felt the pain of loss and betrayal, that he watched helplessly as his world crumbled around him.

Avyansh’s eyes gleamed with a cold, ruthless determination. He would have his revenge. He would make Raj Mehra pay for every tear his father had shed, for every hardship they had endured. The fire of revenge burned fiercely within him, and he would stop at nothing until Raj Mehra’s empire lay in ruins.

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