12. The elevator incident

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Inaya tapped her foot impatiently, glancing at her watch. The penthouse building’s elevator had been taking forever, and she was already late for a meeting.

As the doors finally opened, she stepped in hurriedly, only to find Avyansh right behind her. He walked in, his expression unreadable, and the doors slid shut.

The confined space of the elevator felt even smaller with Avyansh standing so close. Inaya pressed the button for the ground floor. Suddenly, the lights started flickering, and the elevator stopped between the floors. Everything went dark.

Inaya's heart skipped a beat as her hand brushed against Avyansh's arm. She was already running late, and the darkness made her anxiety spike. She had always been scared of the dark, a fact she had never shared with anyone, let alone Avyansh.

Without thinking, she reached out and hugged Avyansh tightly, her fear overriding any reservations she had about him. She buried her face in his chest, seeking comfort in his presence.

Avyansh stiffened for a moment, caught off guard by her sudden embrace. He could feel her trembling against him, her breath quick and shallow. Slowly, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around her, his hand gently rubbing her back.

Inaya clung to him, her fear momentarily eclipsing the reality of who she was holding. The warmth of his body and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat were oddly soothing. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

 She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself

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~ Avyansh's POV

The moment Inaya hugged me, I was taken aback. Her sudden movement caught me off guard, and for a second, I just stood there, too stunned to speak. She held onto me so tightly that it was almost impossible to breathe.

First, the suffocating elevator, and now Inaya clinging to me like her life depended on it. Her face was buried in my chest, and I could feel her trembling.

In that instant, I realized one thing for sure: Inaya was scared of the dark.

I tried to move, to get out of her grip, but she was holding me too tightly. My heart was pounding so loudly I was sure she could hear it. Her breath was hot against my chest, her fear palpable.

Why was I feeling this way? Why wasn’t I pushing her away?

Instead, I found myself gently stroking her hair. The gesture felt foreign, yet natural. In a deep and husky voice, I whispered, "Shh, don't be scared. Just hold on to me tightly. We'll get out of here."

I didn't even know why I was being gentle with her. I should have pushed her away, told her to get a grip. But something about her vulnerability, her raw fear, made me want to protect her.

I liked how she was hugging me, touching me. Her sweet scent filled my nostrils, intoxicating me.

We were so close that I could feel the rhythm of her heartbeat syncing with mine.

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