04. The plan

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Avyansh leaned back in his leather chair, the dim light of his office casting shadows across his sharp features

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Avyansh leaned back in his leather chair, the dim light of his office casting shadows across his sharp features.

The city skyline glimmered outside the window, but his focus was entirely on the conversation with his best friend, Kritarth, who lounged on the couch, sipping his drink.

Kritarth raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "So, you finally going to tell me the grand plan?"

Avyansh smirked, his eyes cold and calculating. "It's simple, really. Raj Mehra took everything from my father, left us with nothing. I'm going to return the favor, piece by piece."

Kritarth nodded, leaning forward. "And how do you plan to start?"

Avyansh's smirk widened, a glint of ruthless determination in his eyes. "First, I'm going to dismantle his company. We've already made significant headway, destabilizing their market value and undercutting their contracts. It's just the beginning. I'll push harder, make sure they lose everything they've built."

Kritarth chuckled darkly. "Classic Avyansh. But what about Raj himself? I know you're not just after his company."

Avyansh's expression hardened. "Raj's company is only the first step. To truly destroy him, I need to take away what he holds most dear: his daughter, Inaya."

Kritarth's eyes widened slightly. "Inaya Mehra? You're going after her?"

Avyansh nodded, his voice dropping to a dangerous whisper. "Yes. Once Raj's company is in ruins, I'll make sure Inaya has no choice but to come to me for help.

I'll force her hand, leave her with no options but to marry me to save her family's legacy."

Kritarth whistled low, shaking his head in awe. "That's cold, even for you, Avyansh. But why force her to marry you?"

Avyansh's eyes gleamed with a mixture of vengeance and satisfaction. "Because it's not just about business. It's about making Raj suffer the way my father did.

Watching his beloved daughter marry his worst enemy will destroy him. He'll be devastated, powerless, knowing he's lost everything-including his daughter's happiness."

Kritarth took a sip of his drink, considering Avyansh's words. "And Inaya? What if she fights back?"

Avyansh's smirk returned, more confident than ever. "She can try, but I'll leave her with no choice. I'll make her company's survival dependent on her decision.

For the sake of her father and their business, she'll do as I say. Once she marries me, I'll make sure she's miserable, just a pawn in my game to crush Raj."

Kritarth leaned back, a mixture of admiration and apprehension in his gaze. "You're playing a dangerous game, my friend. But knowing you, you'll probably pull it off."

Avyansh raised his glass in a silent toast. "To revenge. Raj Mehra will regret the day he ever crossed the Roy Kapoors. And Inaya-she'll learn that being a Mehra comes with a price."

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