09. His family

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Avyansh sat at his sleek, minimalist desk, the city skyline sprawling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office

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Avyansh sat at his sleek, minimalist desk, the city skyline sprawling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of his office. He was deeply engrossed in his work, spreadsheets and reports spread out before him, when his phone buzzed. Glancing at the caller ID, he saw it was his father.

"Yes, Dad," he answered, leaning back in his leather chair.

"Avyansh, we need to talk about your marriage to Inaya," his father said, his voice carrying the weight of authority that always commanded respect.

Avyansh sighed inwardly, bracing himself for another lecture. "What about it?"

"It's imperative that we announce your wedding publicly," his father began. "We have a reputation to maintain, and you're a business sensation. Your marriage can't remain a secret. It would raise too many questions and create unnecessary gossip."

Avyansh pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling a headache forming. "I understand, Dad. So what do you want me to do?"

"We're hosting a wedding reception tomorrow," his father stated. "Everyone will be there - media, relatives, friends, business partners. It's crucial for our image."

Avyansh's jaw tightened. "And what if Inaya causes a scene? She's not exactly thrilled about this marriage."

"That's why I'm telling you now," his father replied, his tone firm. "You need to ensure she behaves. Explain to her the importance of this event. Make her understand the consequences of any outburst. This is about more than just you and her; it's about our family's reputation and business standing."

Avyansh nodded, though his father couldn't see him. "I'll handle it, Dad. She won't make a mess."

"Good. Make sure she knows what's at stake. We can't afford any slip-ups," his father concluded before hanging up.

Avyansh stared at the phone for a moment, his thoughts churning. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. Inaya was a force to be reckoned with, and controlling her was like trying to hold a storm in his hands.

He leaned back in his chair, gazing out at the city. He needed a strategy, a way to convey the seriousness of the situation to Inaya without sparking her defiance.

With a resigned sigh, he decided to go home. There was no point in delaying the inevitable confrontation.

Avyansh gathered his things, shut down his computer, and headed out of the office. As he drove home, he rehearsed the conversation in his mind, hoping he could find the right words to make her understand.

Avyansh sat in his car, the frustration boiling within him. He had called Inaya, asking her to come home early as they had something important to discuss, but her response had been anything but cooperative.

"I don't have time for some useless stuff, Avyansh," she had said, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "I have important things to do."

"Inaya, this is serious-" he had begun, but she cut him off.

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