16. Accident

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It's been a week since that incident, and right now, I'm more than frustrated

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It's been a week since that incident, and right now, I'm more than frustrated. I just lost the most important deal, and I am angry as hell. The office is tense as I pace back and forth, scolding my employees and demanding answers.

"What went wrong? How could we let this slip through our fingers?" I snap, my voice echoing in the conference room. The employees exchange nervous glances, clearly unsure how to respond.

"It's been late at night already, and I just came out of a meeting with my employees discussing some important details about the deal. Everyone is exhausted, but I can't let this go. We were so close, and now it's gone. I take a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside me, but it's no use.

"Alright, everyone, go home. Get some rest. We'll regroup in the morning," I finally say, dismissing the team. They quickly gather their things and leave, grateful for the respite.

As the last employee exits, I sink into my chair, rubbing my temples. The silence of the empty office only amplifies my frustration. I reach for my phone to check for any missed calls or messages, hoping for some good news or a distraction.


After calming myself a little bit, I decided to head home. Grabbing my purse, I left the office and stepped into the storm. It was pouring tonight, and I was already exhausted from the day's events. As I drove back home, my car suddenly made a strange noise and then stopped completely.

"Just great," I muttered, feeling my frustration mount. The day could not get any worse.

I got out of the car despite the heavy rain, knowing I would get drenched. I hated getting wet, but there was no other option. I checked the car, but it was clear I had no idea how to fix it. Defeated, I went back inside and tried calling Avyansh. I wanted to tell him about the situation and ask him to pick me up, but of course, there was a network issue.

"Oh God," I groaned, trying several times to get through, but with no luck. The darkness around me was suffocating, and the fact that I was stranded in the middle of nowhere was terrifying.

I got out of the car again, fully drenched by now, and looked around desperately. In the distance, I saw the headlights of a car approaching. Hope flared up inside me, and I began waving my arms, signaling for it to stop.

But as the car drew nearer, it didn't slow down. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized what was happening. Before I could react, the car hit me, and everything went black.


I slowly opened my eyes, trying to figure out where I was. The smell of medicine hit my nostrils, and my head was throbbing with pain. I saw Avyansh beside me, his face etched with concern.

"Are you okay?" he asked softly.

"Do I look okay?" I replied, rolling my eyes and filling my voice with sarcasm. My head was bandaged, and as I tried to sit up, Avyansh gently held me down.

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