06. The solution

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Inaya sat at her desk, staring blankly at the stack of reports before her

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Inaya sat at her desk, staring blankly at the stack of reports before her. It had been a week since her conversation with Avyansh Roy Kapoor, and his chilling ultimatum echoed in her mind: "Marry me, and I
will cease all actions against your company."

Her frustration bubbled over as she reviewed the latest numbers. In just two days, Avyansh had inflicted even more damage, undercutting crucial contracts and poaching key clients. Her once steady and thriving company was now on the brink of collapse, all because of his ruthless vendetta.

She clenched her fists, feeling a wave of hatred towards Avyansh. What kind of man proposed such a monstrous deal? If he liked her, he could have approached her like a normal person.

Instead, he chose to harm her company and force her into a corner. She couldn’t understand his motives, and the lack of clarity drove her mad.

Determined to find some solace or guidance, she decided to speak to her father. Raj Mehra was in his study, his face etched with concern as he reviewed the same grim reports.

"Dad," she began, her voice strained, "I need to talk to you about what’s been happening with the company. We’re suffering huge losses, and it’s all because of a buisness rival ."

Raj looked up, his eyes softening with worry. " What does he want? Why is he doing this?"

Inaya took a deep breath, the words tasting bitter in her mouth. "He wants me to marry him. He said if I agree to marry him, he’ll stop attacking our company."

Raj’s eyes widened in shock, and he stood up abruptly. "What kind of proposal is that? It’s blackmail!"

Inaya nodded, her frustration spilling over. "Exactly! It’s insane. But he’s serious, and our company is paying the price. I don’t know what to do, Dad. I can’t believe he’s forcing me into this."

Raj paced the room, running a hand through his hair. After a few moments of silence, he stopped and faced her. "Inaya, you have to understand. This company isn’t just a business. It’s the result of my years of hard work and dedication. If we lose it, we lose everything. Our reputation, our legacy… we can’t risk it."

Inaya felt a surge of anger and disbelief. "Dad, how could you say that? I’m your daughter! You want me to marry someone just to save the company? I thought you would help me find a better solution, but it seems like you only care about the company."

Raj’s expression softened, and he reached out to her. "Inaya, it’s not that simple. I care about you more than anything, but this is our family’s legacy. We can’t just let it slip away."

Inaya pulled away, her anger flaring. "I thought you’d understand, but clearly, I was wrong. I need to think about this, but I’m not sacrificing my life for the company. I can’t believe you’d even consider this."

With that, she turned and stormed out of the study, her heart pounding with a mix of anger and hurt. She felt betrayed, cornered by both Avyansh and her own father.

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