11. Nightmare

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Inaya strolled through the expansive halls of Avyansh's parents' house, feeling somewhat out of place amidst the luxury

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Inaya strolled through the expansive halls of Avyansh's parents' house, feeling somewhat out of place amidst the luxury. As she passed a servant, they greeted her with a respectful nod, which she returned politely.

Seeking some solace, she wandered into the garden, where the serene environment offered a much-needed respite. She sat on a bench, her eyes taking in the meticulously maintained landscape, and let her thoughts drift away.

After a while, a servant approached her. "Madam, breakfast is ready in the dining room," he informed her.

Inaya nodded, taking one last look at the peaceful garden before heading inside. She walked into the dining room and took a seat at the long, elegant table. The family was waiting for Avyansh, and she could sense the anticipation in the room.

Moments later, Avyansh appeared at the top of the staircase, his hair still damp from a recent shower. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans, exuding a casual yet commanding presence. He kissed his grandmother on the cheek and greeted his parents warmly.

He was about to sit in his usual spot next to his grandmother when she spoke up. "Avyansh, sit next to Inaya," she suggested, her voice gentle but firm.

Avyansh glanced at Inaya, their eyes briefly meeting, and then nodded to his grandmother. "Sure, Dadi," he replied, moving to sit beside Inaya.

Breakfast commenced, and the table was filled with a variety of delicious dishes. The family engaged in light conversation, the atmosphere warm and welcoming. Inaya tried to relax, but she couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy with Avyansh sitting so close.

As they ate, Dadi spoke again. "Avyansh, can you stay today? You both can go back tomorrow, but please, stay one more day."

Avyansh hesitated for a moment, clearly considering his grandmother's request. He glanced at Inaya, who remained silent but clearly wasn't eager to extend their stay. However, she knew better than to oppose Dadi's wishes openly.

"Of course, Dadi," Avyansh finally said, his tone softening. "as you wish."

Inaya inwardly sighed but kept her expression neutral. It was just one more day, she reminded herself. She could handle that.

As they continued with breakfast, she couldn't help but notice the genuine affection and warmth in Avyansh's interactions with his family.


Inaya was lounging on the couch, her eyes glued to the TV screen as the horror movie unfolded. It was evening, and she had spent most of her day feeling bored, scrolling through her phone.

Avyansh had been absent since breakfast, and she hadn't seen him at all. Now, the only thing keeping her company was the increasingly terrifying film and a bowl of popcorn.

She jumped at a particularly frightening scene, her heart racing, but she couldn't tear her eyes away. As she munched on popcorn, the suspense of the movie grew more intense.

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