17. Caring Avyansh

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I took a bath and got ready, wearing an oversized hoodie to ward off the cold. I was feeling a little better; the pain in my body had subsided slightly, but managing with a broken hand and knee was still a challenge. Hunger gnawed at me, so I made my way downstairs. I knew it would hurt, but I was determined not to call that grumpy man for help again.

Slowly and carefully, I descended the stairs, but I stumbled halfway down. Before I could fall, a hand caught my waist, steadying me. I looked up to see Avyansh. He was about to lift me, but I slapped his hand away.

"I can go by myself," I snapped.

He gave me an annoyed expression. "I know you can, but let me." Without waiting for my response, he carried me. I grabbed his collar tightly, inhaling the scent of his cologne. He was ready for his office, looking every bit the professional.

He made me sit on the chair, and breakfast was already served. I started eating silently, struggling with my left hand. I dipped a spoon into the steaming hot bowl of soup, carefully bringing it to my lips. My mind wandered to my company and the mountain of work waiting for me. How would I manage now? I cursed the person responsible for my predicament, hoping they would suffer as much as I was.

Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally spilled the hot soup on myself. I screamed in pain, and before I could react, Avyansh was there, quickly placing some tissues on the spill to mitigate the burn.

 I screamed in pain, and before I could react, Avyansh was there, quickly placing some tissues on the spill to mitigate the burn

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I was eating my breakfast, quietly observing Inaya out of the corner of my eye. She seemed lost in her thoughts, barely paying attention to the food in front of her. Just as I predicted, she suddenly spilled the soup on herself, letting out a small yelp of pain.

This clumsy girl, I thought to myself with a sigh.

I quickly grabbed some tissues and placed them over the spilled soup, trying to absorb the hot liquid before it could burn her further. Without saying a word, I grabbed her chair and pulled it closer to me, then took her spoon and dipped it back into the bowl.

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