10. wedding reception

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Inaya and Avyansh entered the opulent Tiffany store, the elegant surroundings adding to the weight of their task. The store’s receptionist greeted them with a professional smile, guiding them to a display of exquisite wedding rings.

“We have a selection of our finest rings for you to choose from,” the receptionist said, presenting an array of dazzling rings.

Each one sparkled under the store’s bright lights, reflecting the luxury and prestige of the brand.

Inaya glanced at the rings, her interest minimal. She didn’t want a ring that would remind her of the forced marriage she was trapped in.

“Anything is fine,” she said dismissively, trying to mask her frustration.

Avyansh’s eyes darkened at her nonchalance. he said harshly, turning to the receptionist.

“Show us the most expensive and beautiful ring you have.”

The receptionist, sensing the tension but maintaining her professionalism, nodded and brought out a stunning diamond ring. It was an exquisite piece, the rare diamond catching the light in a mesmerizing display.

Inaya’s heart skipped a beat as she saw the ring. Despite her reluctance, she couldn’t deny its beauty. It was the prettiest ring she had ever seen, and she knew it was the most expensive piece in the store.

Avyansh observed her reaction, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his face.

“We’ll take it,” he said, his tone final.

After the purchase was made, they headed back to the car. The drive was silent, the air thick with unspoken words. As they sat in their seats, Avyansh turned to Inaya.

“Give me your hand,” he demanded.

Inaya looked at him, her annoyance clear. “Why should I give you my hand?”

Avyansh’s patience was wearing thin. He grabbed her hand aggressively, ignoring her protests, and slid the ring onto her finger.

Their eyes met, a clash of anger and defiance. For a moment, the world outside the car seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them and the heavy silence between them.

 For a moment, the world outside the car seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them and the heavy silence between them

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Inaya broke the gaze first, looking away quickly, her heart pounding. Avyansh, without another word, started the car and began to drive, the tension between them palpable.

As the car sped down the road, Inaya glanced at the ring on her finger. It was beautiful, undeniably so, but it was also a constant reminder of the situation she was in. She clenched her fist, determined to find a way to regain control over her life.


Inaya sat in front of the vanity, surrounded by makeup artists and hair stylists who buzzed around her, meticulously working on every detail. Their expert hands painted her features with delicate strokes, enhancing her natural beauty. As they worked, they couldn’t help but compliment her.

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