🐚Tickling at Twinkle Toys🐚

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Twinkle toys announced they had an event with exclusive limited plushies and of course you want to lay your hands on them. And since it's a partner event you grabbed your super duper partner in crime for this: Rafayel!

Together you arrived at the arcade. It didn't take much time to find the right claw machine. And of course you need to figure out who is going first to play.

„I'll do my best to get a plushie, and you'll do your best to cheer me on." Rafayel announces and throws the coins into the machines.

„You have it all planned out..." speechless about this you stand beside him, not knowing how you ended as mere spectator.

And you have to admit, today he proves a skilled hand. Several limited plushies are already in your basket. But just watching him having fun begins to bore you and so you start to draw him away from the play.

„Hey, let me try too." you ask.

„I'm just gonna continue playing. Don't want any weirdo plushies getting close to you."

He didn't just say that? First you thought you didn't hear him right, but as he added nothing, it seems you were right. Oh, he will regret this, you think and planning to disturb his concentration. You start with little pokes into his side which make him twitch.

„Hey, stop!" he says to you, his gaze not leaving the claw for an instant. But you won't give up, not yet. So you start tickling where you poked him before and after a few seconds of squirming and giggling under your hands, barely holding himself together to move the claw.

„Stop! Stop it already! it's tickling!" he demands, but you don't stop. Oh no, you just started! And soon after you're around his body tickling and scratching him wherever you are able to lay your hands on. Rafayel gives up to control the machine and is loudly laughing.

Until he suddenly turns around, grabbing both of your hands in a quick move and you find yourself pressed back onto the controls and the glass of the machine. Both your hands are held up above your head with one hand from him and you're completely defenseless. You try to wiggle out of his hold, but Rafayels grip is like titanium. He looks at you with mirth in his eyes and whispering into your ear:

„And now I will show you no mercy" and starts to tickle and poke you with his free hand. Seconds later you're laughing so hard under his ruthless attacks. Forgotten are the plushies or that you are in a public arcade. You both are in a war, trying to get the upper hand and see who admits defeat first.

And suddenly you step over something, maybe a plushy or his feet, you don't know. As you're stumbling, you grab his shirt out of reflex, seeking some hold as he falls with you due to this unexpected push.

You both land on the floor, you on top of him as he catches you to prevent you landing on the floor. Your body is pressed to his as you lift your head to check on him and you meet his shocked bluish-pink gaze. You both froze and stare at each other with widened eyes, your hands still on his defined chest. Time seems to stand still in this moment and you are entranced from his proximity.

Slowly a red hue is crawling in his cheeks and with a cough he turns his head to the side. „Are you hurt?" he asks with a rough voice.

„Uh no, I guess not. Thanks for catching me" you stutter out of embarrassment and hurry to climb down from him.

Around you the other visitors at the arcade are eyeing both of you with angry gazes from the disturbance and as soon you and Rafayel are on your feet again, you take your prizes and hurry out of the building.

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