🐚 Love Markings 🐚

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"No, I won't cover my upper body!" Rafayel states with an adorable pout and an angry look to the side.

"You can't just go out with nothing to wear than simple pants!" You annoyingly try to convince him to get dressed properly. What has gotten into the Lemurian that he wants to go out with you, half naked? Usually he loves to dress himself up, but today he acts differently, and you don't get why.

You woke up this morning, cuddled together in his giant bed after a very active night. Rafayel hadn't let you sleep at all, keeping you up all night with kisses, cuddling and his never ending stamina when it comes to show you pleasures you didn't know even existed.

And of course, the traces of a night filled with passion and desire is visible on his smooth skin. You left love marks everywhere. His abs are covered with love bites and nail scratches. His chest and neck are painted with your hickeys and more scratches from your nails.

As a reaction to your statement, he turns around, just huffing and not willing to get changed, and you are welcomed with the sight of his toned back. Usually, the countless muscles are covered by smooth and flawless skin, now they are decorated with the evidence of your latest love making session. Long scratches are seen, trailing from his shoulders to his slender waist. And you blush at the sight, the evidence of how much you lost yourself in the passionate heat last night.

Suddenly you remember something. The last time he acted so strange was after your first night together. Back then, he refused to put a dress shirt on and showed his bare chest in front of Thomas, as he'd paid the painter a spontaneous visit. Rafayel walked along his mansion as proud as a peacock with the remnants of your first night together. A thought pops up, and you decide to prove your suggestion.

"Rafayel..." you walk over to him, wrapping your arm around his waist from behind, kissing his shoulder blades "Is your refusal to get dressed connected with..." you blush again as you speak it out loud "uh... my markings?"

He huffs loudly, lets down his arms and finally turns around in your embrace. Cupping your face with both his hands, his gaze locked with yours.

"If we were in Lemuria right now..." he starts to speak quietly "I would show everyone how good I made you feel, how much pleasure I was able to give you." his head sinks to your forehead, his marvelous eyes closing. „I would walk to the market plaza, with you in my arms. Couples from the whole Whalefall City would meet us there, celebrating mating season. And every male would show off the markings from their mates, proudly presenting how good they take care of their beloved." A sad tone sneaked into his voice and the longing for the life and the possibilities he lost is visible in how he reminisces about Lemurian traditions.

"Can you blame me for wanting this for myself?" he reopens his eyes, pecking your nose with a little kiss as he speaks. And you see so much sadness and pain in those blueish-pink orbs, it makes your heart ache. You don't have a chance to answer, as Rafayel adds: "I should have told you about this before, and I forgot that humans don't do these things. I don't want to embarrass you. Forgive me, I was disrespectful." A soft kiss on your lips followed, meant as an apology.

You sigh in response and rest your head on his chest after he eases back. The feelings in his gaze pull some heartstrings in you and you try to think of a way to make this possible for him.

„Maybe..." you look up at him as a thought strikes „we could go to the beach! There you don't need to cover up your body and risk a ticket for exciting public nuisance" you snicker at the thought. And the sunset eyes of your Lover widen unbelievingly. „We can stroll around as you want and even take a jump in the ocean. You can show your fish friends your markings. May not be exactly the same, but-„ as you are shut down with another kiss, passionate and excited this time. You give in, melting in Rafayels arms again. As he breaks away once more, you are left breathless.

„You would really do that?" he asks, excitement in his voice and a bright smile flashing his beautiful face.

You just look at him and nod. How could you not? You're so damn in love with him and he looked so vulnerable earlier. Everything to soften the pain in his heart for the loss of his people and traditions.

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