🐚 Tender Morning 🐚

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You stand in the kitchen, preparing some breakfast for Rafayel and yourself: scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. After a night full of love, passion and heat, you definitely need to get some calories into your exhausted body.

You blush at the memories of the last night, he ravaged and cherished you and was insatiable. And he told you more than once how much he loves you. You smile happily, the butterflies in your stomach awake and lively as the day before as he confessed his everlasting love to you.

You're still smiling, deep in thoughts and stirring the eggs, as strong arms wrap around your middle and Rafayel's voice, still harsh from sleep, softly mumbling into your ear: „Good morning, princess."

You look back at him, seeing him just wearing some pajama pants and nothing to hide his formidable upper body which is covered in your love marks, hickeys, and nail scratches. Bluish-pink eyes filled with love and a softness you never saw in them before meeting yours.

Rafayel presses firm into you, kissing your neck and shoulders. "Thought you were gone after I woke up, and you weren't there." with a voice, trembling a bit.

Your heart flutters and you lean into him, enjoying his affection. "No, no, Rafayel. I promised already, I won't leave you." you ensure him once again. "Was just hungry after... tonight" you hesitate a bit, still unsure how to describe what happened and a faint blush coloring your cheeks.

"Mm" he just hums into your hair, inhaling your scent. „Smells magnificent, I'll take the breakfast I have in my arms right now."

Giggling, you stroke his arms, "You need proper food, Rafayel!" You blush more, and he just chuckles and turns you around, arms still wrapped around your waist, before he kisses you with the same desire you experienced last night. Lips hungry but soft on yours, your body flushed to his and his hands caressing your lower back.

Moaning, he ravishes your mouth after he slips out his tongue, licking above your lips to demand entry. And you give it to him, experiencing a need he'd awake in you last night. His arms cradling you even closer, and you're forgetting about everything, the presence of him the only anchor now.

Until your belly grumbles loudly, demanding something to fill it. Rafayel laughs on your lips, releasing you only a bit to look at you with this incredible eyes of him and cupping your chin with his hand.

"You're blushing, princess," he smiles broadly at you.

You slap him lightly on his chest. „And Who's fault is it, hm?" you tease him back before he lets you go and you turn to your pans once more.

He embraces you from behind a second time, not willing to let go of you. „It is my fault, indeed." he mumbles happily in your hair „and I don't feel sorry at all." You can feel his chuckling at your back.

It is hard to finish preparations with Rafayel clinging to you like an octopus, stealing kisses whenever he has the chance, but you managed it somehow.

Suddenly you hear someone clearing his throat at the kitchen door and startled, you look behind.

"Thomas!" you squeak, embarrassed about the situation he found you in. Rafayel obviously doesn't care, he is still holding you tight in his arms. His nose deep onto your skin, kissing and sighing his way from your shoulder to your neck.

"I'm sorry to disturb you..." the manager starts, apparently not as surprised as you thought he would. "I have to share some news with you, Rafayel. If I may...?"

You try to shake off the entangled man on your back, but he just cradles you even more. "Rafayel!"

"Hey, what are you doing? Who said I need to let you go for this?" he complains over your actions to shake him off.

Laughing about his antics, you turn in his arms, cupping his face into your palms and giving him a short kiss. At least, that's what you planned to do, but Rafayel changes it into a deep loving one and even lets out his adorable sexy moans.

"I'll wait in the living room." Thomas declares in an absolute professional and serious tone, before you push the artist on your lips back.

"Come on Rafayel, behave please. This is embarrassing!" you scold him a little.

And you get back one of his mischievous grins and sparkling eyes, before it turns into a ridiculous pout „So you're ashamed of me? Of the love we share?" He even lets you go, crossing his arms in front of his chest and turning his head to the side.

You fight back the urge to roll your eyes and a smile. There it is, you're sassy little fish. "No, my love." you assure in a soft voice. „The sooner you get over your conversation with Thomas, the quicker we are alone again" blushing lightly with the hidden meaning behind your words.

For a moment, it seems Rafayel wanted to refuse, blushing at your pet name. But the last sentence gets his full attention again, sending you a cocky smile.

"And there I thought I'd exhausted you last night." before he bends down to you, whispering with a more serious tone: „ I won't give you the chance to run away, princess."

He takes your hand in a firm but gentle grip and walks to the nearby living room, determined to never let you go out of his reach.

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