🐚 First Kiss 🐚

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Based on the memory „Floral Promise"

Breathing in:

He can't believe this is really happening, he finally is able to kiss you again after all this time. He will feel your warm lips again, taste your unique mouth, feeling your heated cheeks, touching and cradling your soft hair. Not in a dream or distant memory. You are real, right in front of him.

He is so nervous, trembling slightly at the proximity of you. everything he can see now is you. Your lips, your crimson red cheeks, your glazed eyes. Everything for him, and him alone.

Breathing out:

Emotions overwhelming him, crashing to his sanity like waves against cliffs, threatening him to drown in his own yearning, longing and love for you, gathered in his heart all this time. Hidden from you, masked by playfulness and dramatic behavior.

There has never been and never is going to be anyone else but you. And there you are, right in front of him. He can feel your breath close to his face, your scent capturing him. his name on your lips a spell he can't resist.

He doesn't want to hurt you. He is not human, he is a god with so much physical strength and immortality and power yielding in his hands and you're just a human with such a short life span and such a fragile body. He experienced it so often, the fleeting life, that left him in loneliness so often. Every time you died he failed to protect you, failed to keeping you at his side.

So much depth on this in- and exhaling of his. So many words he can't tell you, so much love and devotion he can't show you and so much desperation he nearly can't hold to himself.

Lips touching:

Your lips soft on his own, moving along his. Your taste is addicting and exactly like he remembers. It's been so long and Rafayel missed it so much. A wave of desire washes through him, overwhelming him nearly, the tides in his heart at full swing. He was never able to let you go, and he never will. You're his, and this time he won't let anyone take you from him.

And finally, you're claiming him back, accepting the bond and be ready to give him the love, the adoration, the devotion he so desperately seeks.

This is a part of everything he ever wanted, ever wished for, ever hoped for and nearly gave up on.

Finally ... Finally, he's yours again and you are his.

His follower, his beloved, his bride to be...

His everything

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