🐚The Sacrifice 🐚

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Content: established relationship, angst with happy ending

"Rafayel, it's over." You state in a calm voice to the painter in front of you. You both stand in his atelier at Whitesand Bay, canvas, and paint supplies scattered all over the place.

"What do you mean by that?" the lavender haired man asked, obviously confused.

"We are no longer together. I break up with you" pulling the golden ring with the enormous blue crystal off your finger, placing it down on a little desk beside you.

The blueish-pink eyes of your fiancé grow wide, unbelieving the words he just heard. He makes a step towards you, seemingly shocked. Rafayel's hand reaches out to you, palms up, inviting you to grab it, and he grants you this soft smile of his you've fallen in love with a long time ago.

"This is just one of your pranks, yeah? What am I supposed to do? Falling on my knees and reciting a love poem?" he smiles wider. "Oooor should I just grab you and carry you into our bedroom?" The smile turns cocky now with a wink of his eye.

"I'm serious, Rafayel. We are no longer engaged, and I'm quitting as your bodyguard. Tomorrow a moving company will gather my stuff, and then we are strangers" you state coldly, but internally crying and screaming.

Seeing the man you love more than anything else in the world feels like you've been torn apart. But you have to do it, it's the only way. Only if he hates you, he can save Lemuria and his people. You remember that now, and you're ready to sacrifice your heart for it. He misses the deep sea, you see it in his eyes every time you walk along the beach together. Rafayel needs to be the God of the Sea again, and he needs to carve out your heart for it. This is the Lemurian prophecy. That is what Amund, one of the Lemurian survivors, has told you.

You abruptly turn around and leave the mansion, no longer able to withstand the incredible devastation in his eyes. You know that Rafayel will never forgive you for what you have done now. But it doesn't matter if he does some day understand it, as long as he is going to fulfill his duty. You once vowed your heart to him, and you will do it again, no matter what. You love him, more than your own life, and you are ready to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.

As soon as you reach your motorcycle, tears start to fall down your eyes, leaving a constant stream of hot rivers on your face. And perfectly mirroring your feelings, a heavy downpour starts, and you're drenched in seconds.

You start the engine and drive to the main road, the tears on your cheeks now mixing with the cold rain, that sets everything behind a translucent curtain. That is why you don't notice the truck that hits you on your side as you arrive at the freeway. Full force you've been pushed from your bike and losing your consciousness before hitting the solid ground, the last thought that your break-up with Rafayel means nothing now, because you're dying without him getting your heart.

 Full force you've been pushed from your bike and losing your consciousness before hitting the solid ground, the last thought that your break-up with Rafayel means nothing now, because you're dying without him getting your heart

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