🐚 Headcannon: Rafayel as proud Daddy of a little ocean princess 🐚

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— his daughter would be, of course, named some ocean themed, like Marin. The lavender hair of her father mixed with your eyes.

— she definitely is a spoiled little princess! Only wear the cutest and most fashionable clothes one can buy. And Rafayel would handpick everything by himself, no doubt about that!

— let her play with his hair, she braids little tails onto his hair or just normal pigtails with animal-scrunchies decorated with a bunch of clips and stuff.

— when the little family is out in town or visiting some stuff, of course, she can ride on Rafayel's shoulders when she is tired. (she hast to bribe daddy to do it, because Rafayel would refuse at first, like "my little sea star is such a big girl now" first, but he can't resist for long when she gives him her best puppy eyes with the colored ones like her mother)

— he tells her little bedtime stories when it's time to sleep. Rafayel's favorite part of the day. And most of the time he would fall asleep together with Marin, cuddling her at his chest.

— his daughter is the only one allowed to add her own little paint strokes onto his work on projects, and he always praises her how good and talented she is.

— once she is old enough for school, it's your part to make the homework with her. He only covers the "creative" parts 😂 (but will make some snacks and provide both of you with hand mixed beverages)

— makes her launch box every day, filled with veggies carved into cute sea animals and stuff like that.

— takes her to the ocean and teaches her swimming, of course. And he makes sure, she knows about her Lemurian heritage.

— the evenings are filled with either cuddling sessions and Netflix, where all three of you are under one giant cozy blanket, or you are playing family games, where you and Marin team up for beating him in the games. (Of course, he looses on purpose, so that he can fulfill the silly wishes from his girls)

— once Marin gets interested in boys, he personally takes care that she is dating the "right" guys... not that anyone is good enough for his little princess (and cries in secret about how grown up she already is)

— he definitely makes fun of inviting the guys into his mansion, playing the best daddy pranks on them. Because only if they pass his little prank test, they are allowed to take his princess on a date.

— but most of the boys are intimidated by his celebrity status anyway, so Marin would not have that many suitors, despite her gorgeous looks.

— takes her to prom in a dress he'd designed especially for this event and for her

— if she one day got married, Rafayel would organize everything!! He'd design a wedding dress for her, the cake, rent the location and and and... everything that his daughter wants for her wedding, she will get it!

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