Tour with You

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Sorry I Have Yall Waiting Potatoes!!!!!! I went To The boardwalk and well im tring to update ob easter/Lou Day !!!!! Okeyy yall dont care here yall go!!! 30reads thank you if you are reading

As they Finish To Sing The Crowd Goes Wild!!! Me and Brenda Couldnt Stop Smilibg Eose Smile As well because she was happy for us...Then As They Said Thank You To All Those Directioners Paul Started Telling Us..Yall Girls Get Readyy ...

Harry POV... I Searched For Brenda To Ask Her If She wanted to be ob the road with us and be with us in this Tour...Heyy Babe !! I Yelled as Brenda turns aroud with her black hair and her One direction T-shirt and Sone Ripped jeans!! YES,she answered i know we just meeat but i really like you and would like to ask if you want to go on tour with me and the guys Tears stated sreaming down her face and said i surely do !! And hugged me tight but what about rose and he said she can come too!!!

Jade POV

Nialls Arm Rapped around me as he sand -You Will Never Love your self as half much as i love you- His Soft Voiced tickled my ear !!! I smiled and kissed him on his soft wet lips!!! He grapped my waist amd pulled me closer..

Rose POV...I couldnt Believe That im goibg on tour with Two of my bestfriends and One direction ...But it sucks im single!!! :/:/ heyy why are you alone someone whispered into my ear i turned around and it was Zayn Nothing just thinking he gave me a flirty look making me blush but wasent he with perrie!???

PAUL Said As everyone gathered into a circle !! Simon said he has to meet us in LiverPool he was to tell yalll something very serious

Simons POV ...I Caint Believe im going to do Tell the guys they caint date Fans or Famous people..



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